

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Systemic Racism:

 Very unusual for people like NDP leader Jagmeet Singh to talk about systemic racism in Canada. He's probably among the best examples of why it happens. 

By expecting to bend the consciousness of the average Canadian to his personal preferences instead of joining theirs, he stands a good chance to provoke that kind of a response.

Is Singh an ambivalent Canadian? Whether we want to admit it or not, his religious attire is not quite what we're used to seeing, especially not in leadership candidates.

Similarly, by organizing into special interest gangs, the Black Lives Matter members cut themselves out of the herd then scream that they are being excluded.

Similarly, the indeterminate sexuality gang extravagantly parade their differences from what they perceive as the common herd then whine piteously that they are being bullied.

This is not unusual behavior. Incompetent individuals try to gain personal significance by joining gangs instead of tackling life on their own just as responsible people everywhere do. 

Apparently they fail to see that joining a special interest gang has the effect of visibly setting them outside the bounds of the prevailing social consciousness.

Of course, what would the electronic media do for fake news if members of these groups were to stop seeking political solutions to personal problems?

As for Singh, at least he's sticking his neck out on his own, and not trying to hurl rocks from an anonymous mob.

Monday 26 October 2020


 Now that the Global Warming and Climate Change alarmists have convinced everybody that we are in danger of being fried by the weather, we have to examine what is happening in the Calgary AB environs.

Minus 24C late October weekend temperatures in Calgary should have sent documentary researchers and writers scrambling to create new material for David Suzuki's Nature of things.

The new material should have happy, well-fed polar bears frolicking merrily on growing ice floes in Canada's Arctic.

Al Gore should be busy writing another book; this one on how hell is about to freeze over. And it's all because of human activity.

There has to be an explanation for the minus 24C temperatures experienced over the weekend. Maybe we ought to look to the thousands of like-minded climate scientists the UN invokes to warn humanity of impending planetary melt down.

In my 35 years on the Prairies, I can't recall such a frigid dip so early in the season. Maybe those climate alarmists at the UN can give it a shot??

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Fright Night:

Covid 19 is the official Monster hiding in the far corner under our beds for Hallowe'en 2020. 

It's possible that all of us have come in contact with the corona virus over recent years. It has been suppressed by our natural antibodies in most of us and allowed to mutate into Covid 19 in others.

It has succeeded in gaining the upper hand in more vulnerable individuals and gained terminal status in the terminally vulnerable.

This leaves only advice on how to avoid infection for our medical gurus.

It's rather amusing to watch the propaganda arm of the United Nations switch their attention from such paper tigers as global warming and climate change to our struggle with this very real monster which is described as having no life of its own until it links up with its victim.

So far, we haven't heard what their 1,500 like-minded scientists think of the situation..

Friday 16 October 2020

US Politics:

Whether or not US Prez Donald Trump gets re-elected depends on the degree to which the US electorate is satisfied that he has successfully drained the government swamp.

A non-politician, Trump managed to wedge his way into the political loop in Washington last election and lost no time re-scrambling things to different standards. It was a short-cut into politics seldom seen and the left-wing media was apoplectic..

We will have to wait until the votes are counted to see if a majority of the US electorate are happy with what he did. Whether Hillary Clinton's Deplorables are still around to once more cast their ballots in favor of Trump will show itself.

Who wins may be as simple as the number of voters casting their ballots for opportunity vs: those voting for handouts.

Sunday 11 October 2020

Strange Priorities:

How the Covid 19 infection is presented in the media hardly makes sense.

Every day we are told how many new infections have been recorded, but no word as to how many of these have wound up in the hospital. You have to pay close attention to catch how many people have actually died.

Since nearly all of these infections appear to be no more serious than a slight fever, cough or a sniffle, what's the panic?

For this, the municipal authorities have allowed local industry to wilt and unemployment to spin out of control. They have bought media hype and allowed small businesses to be reduced to the brink of bankruptcy. 

They say it's to halt the pandemic. 

What pandemic? Infections are not a pandemic. There are probably more deaths in the making due to lock-down boredom and domestic friction.

Let's be honest. Modern medicine does not actually know how to cope with Covid 19.

Saturday 10 October 2020

Rights Abuse:

 The news item re the pickup trucker being sued for laying skid marks on a LGBTQ rainbow painted on a local street needs analysis.

Painting a marker on public property by a special interest gang might be considered a provocation. Not everyone would agree that it represents the public interests. Some residents of the community may be wondering who allowed it.

Apparently, the driver of the pickup truck was provoked to do his own thing, too.

The special interest group that painted it are in the process of having him charged.

Obviously, this lawsuit is about one provocation being more important than another.

If the presiding judge does not assign court costs to the people who started it, a golden opportunity for justice will have been lost.

Nobody ought to have more right than anyone else to deface public property while promoting their own cause.

Monday 5 October 2020

Presidential Concern:

 Media concern as to whether the Trumps will survive the Covid 19 infection are silly.

Their chances of not making it are less than one chance in a thousand.

I'm nearing the end of my 9th decade and I feel confident that the corona virus would have to really put in a day's struggle to gain the upper hand in my personal ecosystem.

Young Trump, only in his 70s, should have no trouble at all.

Saturday 3 October 2020

School Daze:

 Covid 19 has scrambled educational procedures, giving kids options on how they are going to continue their learning.

Not to worry. My own experience with the system tells me that those who intend to get educated will get educated.

There are no guarantees in what part formal schooling plays in a successful life. Nor is the definition of formal schooling the same at all levels. 

Take, for example, the case where a young man arrived in Canada with $200 and a certificate in Tool & Die Making in his pocket. He hoped to use that to make a living here.

That guy with papers for an obscure (in north America) trade was Frank Stronach.

For the Millennials, Frank Stronach can be Googled. Or simply Google Magna International.

It would be interesting to speculate on what would have happened to Frank Stronach if he had tried to get his education in Canada. Would he have been streamed into the non-existent trades section of the curriculum as he had in Austria where, it appears, the trades are taken and taught seriously?

Or, with attention to no child be left behind, would he have been offered a dumbed-down system of studies and streamed into an arts program where he might have eventually qualified to teach underwater basket weaving or drama?

Interesting thought.