

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Fright Night:

Covid 19 is the official Monster hiding in the far corner under our beds for Hallowe'en 2020. 

It's possible that all of us have come in contact with the corona virus over recent years. It has been suppressed by our natural antibodies in most of us and allowed to mutate into Covid 19 in others.

It has succeeded in gaining the upper hand in more vulnerable individuals and gained terminal status in the terminally vulnerable.

This leaves only advice on how to avoid infection for our medical gurus.

It's rather amusing to watch the propaganda arm of the United Nations switch their attention from such paper tigers as global warming and climate change to our struggle with this very real monster which is described as having no life of its own until it links up with its victim.

So far, we haven't heard what their 1,500 like-minded scientists think of the situation..

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