

Monday 26 October 2020


 Now that the Global Warming and Climate Change alarmists have convinced everybody that we are in danger of being fried by the weather, we have to examine what is happening in the Calgary AB environs.

Minus 24C late October weekend temperatures in Calgary should have sent documentary researchers and writers scrambling to create new material for David Suzuki's Nature of things.

The new material should have happy, well-fed polar bears frolicking merrily on growing ice floes in Canada's Arctic.

Al Gore should be busy writing another book; this one on how hell is about to freeze over. And it's all because of human activity.

There has to be an explanation for the minus 24C temperatures experienced over the weekend. Maybe we ought to look to the thousands of like-minded climate scientists the UN invokes to warn humanity of impending planetary melt down.

In my 35 years on the Prairies, I can't recall such a frigid dip so early in the season. Maybe those climate alarmists at the UN can give it a shot??

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