

Monday 16 November 2020

Planetary War:

 No end in sight in the see/saw battle between Planet Earth and human medics. 

The planet is trying to stay on its evolutionary track and our medics are doing their best to de-rail that process.

Who's going to ultimately win? The planet, of course. It cannot be  otherwise. 

There are too many people. And they are doing too much damage.

Just as the wolf packs are assigned to keep buffalo, elk and caribou herds under control and cats are assigned to keep rodent pests out of human food supplies, the corona virus has been assigned to reduce numbers of marginally fit humans.

We are converting vulnerable humanity into profit centers at the expense of rain forests and farmland. Covid 19 can be taken as evidence that this has gone too far. 

The arm wrestling between the planet and the medical establishment is going to end with the planet in charge.

Few people will argue that this is not as it should be.


Wednesday 11 November 2020

Cabin Fever:

 These last couple of weeks of balmy Indian Summer here in southern Ontario brought out some weird lock-down behaviour.

Lots of people out walking their dogs or their kids. Also, lots of evidence of people avoiding family members.

With migratory birds gone and few leaves left to rattle and whisper in the fall breeze, the silence is shattered by neighbors with those idiotic leaf blowers.

One guy across the street plugged in his shop vacuum and proceeded to suck up the dust he dislodged with his toothbrush from the juncture of his driveway and the curb. With his vacuum howling, a half-our later, he was still at it. 

Cabin fever? Or a simple case of wife-avoidance?

It's anybody's guess what the new Covid 19 lockdowns are going to produce, but it's unlikely to be pretty.

Monday 9 November 2020

Poor Joe Biden:

Poor Joe Biden. It looks like he's going to win the trip to the white House.

He'd better be prepared to deliver what the lefty media accused The Donald of not delivering to their satisfaction.

He's going to have to wave his newly-acquired magical White House wand to make Covid 19 all better.

Good Luck with that, Joe.

Covid 19 all better

Sunday 8 November 2020

CBC Relaxed:

 Writers at CBC heaved a sigh of relief at the way the US presidential slugfest is being resolved. 

With that dastardly Trump out of the picture, now, at last, Trudeau and Freeland will be able to live up to their full potential, according to one CBC article.

Maybe the CBC editors should be reminded at this point that our PM was not exactly approved by the 
Canadian electorate. They were voting for legalized pot.

Trudeau and Freeland were sneaked in behind the promise of legalized weed by those clever devils in the Liberal backroom.

It's possible most US voters knew they were voting either for Donald Trump or Joe Biden. There was no carrot.


Saturday 7 November 2020

Avoiding Infection:

Covid 19 has promoted the sale of an endless variety of disinfectant sprays and wipes. You can't enter any establishment without somebody offering to disinfect your dirty hands.

This ritual can create a whole string of new problems. How dependent are we going to become on these commercial wipes? Will we be able to navigate safely within our day-to-day environment?

Is washing our hands and brushing our teeth all it takes to keep us free of dangerous microbes? 

There is a whole army of friendly microbes occupying all of the areas that could support bacterial colonies on and in our bodies. We should hope that these microbes leave no room for foreign bacteria to grow less friendly colonies.

Those of us who have taken antibiotics internally have found that we have lost the ability to easily digest food. This condition is usually temporary, but not always. It lasts only until the resident microbes are replaced, but it could be uncomfortable for a time.

We live in a microbic environment. Most of them are beneficial, or at least non-threatening. That means they occupy territory which would otherwise be open to invasion by microbes of indeterminate nature.

Using those wipes gives us at least a 50 percent chance of acquiring microscopic tenants not necessarily open to friendly co-existence. 

It's like leaving your front door unlocked and open to uninvited guests.. 

Friday 6 November 2020

Indigenous Summer?

 We're enjoying the traditional two weeks of beautiful summery November weather here in southern Ontario at the moment. We used to call it Indian Summer.

Is it still all right to refer to it in those crude terms? One never knows what those statue-toppling history revisionists are going to riot over these days.

How about aboriginal summer, guys? Does that suit your delicate, highly-evolved sensitivities any better?

Or, would it be even more suitable to refer to it as Indigenous Summer??

One can never be too casual with the terminology these days.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Presidential Slugfest:

 Back in the days when the post for US Prez was being contested by Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Writer Thomas Walkom quipped in the Sun that only Hillary can get Trump elected.

If Biden makes it to the White House, is it fair to expect Walkom to quip that only Trump could get Biden elected?