

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Cabin Fever:

 These last couple of weeks of balmy Indian Summer here in southern Ontario brought out some weird lock-down behaviour.

Lots of people out walking their dogs or their kids. Also, lots of evidence of people avoiding family members.

With migratory birds gone and few leaves left to rattle and whisper in the fall breeze, the silence is shattered by neighbors with those idiotic leaf blowers.

One guy across the street plugged in his shop vacuum and proceeded to suck up the dust he dislodged with his toothbrush from the juncture of his driveway and the curb. With his vacuum howling, a half-our later, he was still at it. 

Cabin fever? Or a simple case of wife-avoidance?

It's anybody's guess what the new Covid 19 lockdowns are going to produce, but it's unlikely to be pretty.

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