

Monday 16 November 2020

Planetary War:

 No end in sight in the see/saw battle between Planet Earth and human medics. 

The planet is trying to stay on its evolutionary track and our medics are doing their best to de-rail that process.

Who's going to ultimately win? The planet, of course. It cannot be  otherwise. 

There are too many people. And they are doing too much damage.

Just as the wolf packs are assigned to keep buffalo, elk and caribou herds under control and cats are assigned to keep rodent pests out of human food supplies, the corona virus has been assigned to reduce numbers of marginally fit humans.

We are converting vulnerable humanity into profit centers at the expense of rain forests and farmland. Covid 19 can be taken as evidence that this has gone too far. 

The arm wrestling between the planet and the medical establishment is going to end with the planet in charge.

Few people will argue that this is not as it should be.


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