

Tuesday 14 December 2021

Tackling Covid::

 While Justin Trudeau is printing money and taxing the economy furiously in order to reduce the human footprint on the planet, the planet is busy doing the same. 

It's reducing human footprints by reducing humans.

O-micron is the latest version of the virus assigned to do that.

So, are young Trudeau, David Suzuki and Al Gore on the same side as Covid 19?

Probably not. The planet's cause is clear and well defined. Our political types are only groping for more money and more votes from an underinformed electorate.

Tuesday 7 December 2021

Evolutionary contest:

What's evolving faster, the corona virus, or medical science?

That's probably not the only problem. What hasn't been tackled ever before on a global scale is air travel. 

Air travel makes the problem of tackling Covid a game of Whack-a-mole.

What makes it even more confusing for the public is the problem of trying to distinguish what's offered as medical info from media hype.

Tuesday 23 November 2021

What next, Maestro?

David Suzuki is suggesting there will be pipeline damage if Ottawa doesn't get moving on the climate change issue. 

This CBC shill for global warming and climate change sounds as though he is aiming to join the hooligans who want to break things if they don't get their way on the climate issue. he actually inciting pipeline damage? 

Working Canadians should ask how much longer they are going to have to pay this guy's salary at CBC.

Friday 12 November 2021

Blind Eye:

 I find it curious that the media hyper-ventilates about the climbing cost of inflation while ignoring its root cause.

The root cause? Have we forgotten Justin Trudeau's carbon footprint tax? That's the tax that socks it directly to Canadian industry--the guys who supply your farm produce, industrial haulage, fuels, and everything that moves.

Of course our breakfast cereal, milk and bread are going to cost more. Those guys out there have to raise their costs to pay new tax increases and get things to market.

Looking for someone to blame? Blame the guy you elected. He thinks the planet's climate needs saving and he's committed you to paying for it..

Friday 5 November 2021

White Face?

 Some imaginative white teacher in a Toronto classroom is being taken to task for doing a blackface act for his students on Hallowe'en.

The electronic media is busy making a lynching party out of this for their captive viewers.

We're waiting for some imaginative black educator to come to school with face painted white like Waldo, or those mute mimes. 

This might show the hyper-sensitive neurotics in our society that their attitudes could stand some adjustment. .

Thursday 28 October 2021

Fright night:

Hallowe'en is one of the natural holidays. More than anything else, it celebrates the end of another growth cycle.  

That can be either good or bad, depending on the harvest. Survival during the winter months ahead depended on a successful growth season. 

The season is celebrated in such parallel feast days as Thanksgiving and Oktoberfest in the northern hemisphere. Both feature plenty of food and drink.

Religious holidays attached to this seasonal celebration include All Saints Day.  Festivities include the ancestors in some Central and South American communities. They are held in cemeteries where families celebrate among the tombs and burial sites of those who went before them. We are told this can get pretty macabre in some locales. 

But why not? It's the recognition of Death, after all. Death is an important part of Life. It is a vital part of evolution. Without it, life would lose its identity..

Thursday 7 October 2021

Tricky Treats:

No historic character is more deserving of being included on our list of Hallowe'en monsters than Adolf Hitler. 

Of course, there's little left to be said about der Fuehrer that hasn't been said before, probably better, and many times over.

On the positive side, old Adolf can be credited with instilling a fierce sense of pride in his countrymen, especially the youth. War films from the era show  soldiers, as young as 14, crying while their heavily drugged fuehrer fumbles pinning hero medals on them.

Question: Is programming a sense of pride into the nation's youth a good thing? 

Maybe not. There's a problem. A sense of pride never stands alone. It comes with a sense of contempt for others. 

It begs the question: Better than who? How? Why?

In the end, Hitler used pride to direct his Nazis to attack their neighbors. That resulted in the loss of about 25 million lives and their ultimate defeat.

Tuesday 5 October 2021

PM Blameless:

 It's hard to blame Justin for his escape to BC on that new holiday his government decreed some time earlier.

There's little doubt he was joined by millions of Canadians who are tired of ridiculous holidays.

Who can blame Trudeau? The election is over and the voting done. No further need to impress the Furs & Feathers minority.

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Manipulating Numbers:

 Media hype written to panic the viewing audience into accepting a certain view point is a not-so-subtle game. 

Here's an example: There were 658 new infections today. 458 of them were of the unvaccinated or single-dose category.

They could have said: 200 of the 658 new infections recorded today were people who were fully-vaccinated.

Of course, the second example would deliver the wrong perspective on their campaign to panic everyone, even the unwilling, to get jabbed.

Saturday 11 September 2021

Unfortunate Association:

 An item in the social media is letting it be known that Elon Musk has joined Justin Trudeau in a financial project that will be of great benefit to Canadians. 

It's no surprise that someone tries to link Musk with a political campaign. He's the driving force behind Tesla electric cars, space vehicles and a basketful of scientific initiatives. It's easy to see him as a hero, especially so to the voting segment that as yet hasn't the time to tell science apart from science fiction.

The new initiative the article attributes to Musk's genius is a quick and easy way to become a millionaire. It has to do with the bitcoin and crypto currency craze. It promises untold riches for a paltry investment of $250.

These get-rich-quick schemes surface once about every 15 years. That's about how long it takes for a fresh generation of gamblers to emerge upon the financial scene.

While Musk can safely be classified as a genius in the engineering and technology field, what is being attributed to him in the article sounds very much like an ordinary pyramid (Ponzi)scheme. That's what put careless investment brokers in the cooler a few years ago.

It appears to work as follows: Early investors ($250) get rich on the investment of following investors as the scheme grows. The more investors, the more millions for earlier ivestors. It works until they run out of investors.

There is nothing to back the currency except the currency contributed by an ever-widening circle of investors. It is not a medium of exchange, which is what currency is for. It is simply a transfer of money from one account to another.

Several such schemes have grown and crashed within my recollection. There was the one directed at business women (exclusively) about 30 years ago. Another one started as an investment firm which developed into a pyramid scheme in the hands of a reckless investment broker named Bernie Madoff. There were others, too numerous to mention.

Musk should be warned to exercise care in who he allows his name to be associated with. Or, maybe he thinks people who voted for legalized dope would be good customers for his investment business. Maybe he sees potential in it. Who knows?

Money is a medium of exchange. When neither goods nor services are being exchanged, the law ought to have a look.

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Wrong Emphasis:

When we read about the number of deaths caused by Cholera, the Black Death, the Bubonic Plague, Smallpox, the Spanish Flu, etc., it's the number of casualties that are the main concern, right?.

Covid 19? We're bombarded daily in the mainstream media by huge numbers of infections, numbers hospitalized, ventilated, intensive care, etc. Number of deaths, if and when mentioned, are embarrasingly small.

How small? So small that mainstream media have taken to combining actual daily death count with confusing statements like .."Seven, including six recorded in the past five months."

Should we take that to mean one death, added to six others over the past six months? So...were the past deaths recorded, or went unrecorded? 

Of course, one death does not carry the impact needed to promote the herd panic required by media determined to keep the viewers glued to their commercials as long as possible.

Now they've stampeded politicians into promoting vaccination IDs, whether they be by cell phone, card, or maybe, eventually, even bar code tattoos. Bar codes and cell phones would have been a wet dream for guys like Adolf Hitler or Josef Stalin, had the technology been available at the time.

Poor old Dr. Mengele took the trouble to tattoo IDs on the arms of prisoners at concentration camps like Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Dauchau during WWII. Think what he could have done with bar codes and cell phones.

Now, here we are in the year 2021 in allegedly democratic Canada, with the Media calmly floating the idea of mandatory IDs to see if the sheep in the electorate will accept it. It seems there's no end to the wonders of those neat cell phones.

It could be that they may be right in toying with what influence they might exert on the public mind. Look who the human herd keeps electing to govern the country..

Friday 27 August 2021


 How will the Covid 19 panic effect the way we think? Will it be something like our thinking following WWII?

Let's have a look.

When WWII ended, surviving soldiers heaved a collective sigh of relief and grabbed the first ship home. They were determined to make love, not war.

At home, the politicians had to think swiftly. How were they going to accommodate all these men who risked all to defend their way of life? 

Even though they made sure the returned soldiers were separated from their weapons before coming home, these guys needed jobs, homes and a lifestyle that had been worth fighting for. No longer would they be content with catching a freight car to look for work in rural wheat fields.

Money needed to be made available for social programs. This initiative would eventually create a brand new middle class.

British songbird Vera Lynne's White Cliffs of Dover, Lili Marlene and The Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square were now replaced by tunes like Roly Poly, Penny Candy, and How Much is that Doggy in the Window (Bark, Bark)

It all portrayed a domestic wonderland complete with loving spouses, happy children and pets. Slick new cars and vine-covered cottages were all part of the picture imagined under stress in the trenches.

A guy in the US named Mickey Spillane launched a successful writing career. His hero was a private dick named Mike Hammer, who was quick on the trigger of his twin heaters. His actions were those of a survivor straight out of the trenches of WWII. The books I recall reading were Vengeance is Mine and I, the Jury. Obviously, Hammer was intolerant of legal procedures that dragged on and on

There was work for everyone. Much of it was employment transferred from manufacturing war planes and tanks to a newly-awakened automotive parts industry. It was hoped that Rosie the Riveter would choose to get married and give up her spot in the production line to some veteran looking for his share of the national economy. 

Investment capital was used to make sure there was work for everyone who wanted it. Doing otherwise might have proved troublesome, even dangerous.

Then, of course, there was the problem of how to fit into civilian life all that new battlefield technology launched by both sides in the need to win the war. 

A lot of it was to be re-deployed to a domestic environment. For example, the torsion bar suspension used to make Nazi Tiger Tanks float like oversize Cadillacs was among the first to be adapted to domestic automobiles. Chrysler was the first to install it in their luxury sedans.

Surplus Jeeps and tracked Bren Gun carriers were proposed as farm implements, but were found to be not quite right for the job. 

The manufacturers made sure that much improved versions suitable for farming, were made quickly available to the farmers.

While V2 rockets were adaptable to the US space program, radar was adopted by highway patrol cops.  Synthetic oil, that enabled Nazi panzers to be started  in a frosty Soviet winter, now lubricates our auto engines so efficiently that often they outlast the rest of the car.

People who very recently were unsure they would survive now saw their way clear to achieve what they wanted to do with their lives. And why not? Clearly they had earned it.

The social consciousness was positive and the sky was the limit. The Hollywood musicals illustrated the mood very well.

It is seriously doubtful that a pandemic like our super-hyped Covid could do the same thing for today's screwed-up world.

Thursday 19 August 2021

Irresponsible Politics?

 It's not easy to think of something more stupid than launching an election in the middle of a pandemic.

But keep an eye on Justin Trudeau. It's almost guaranteed to happen.

Friday 13 August 2021

VAXX Panic:


Doug Ford has it right when he dismisses mandatory vaccinations. He cautions people in vulnerable occupations to do the responsible thing. 

It's quite clear he assumes people who elected him are capable of thinking things through for themselves. He's probably right.

Lefties Liberal Trudeau and NDP Singh, on the other hand, are inclined to make it illegal for the people who elected them to use their own judgement. They're probably right, too.

Their administrations might eventually lead  to having bar code I.Ds tattooed on everybody's forehead. No sense in taking chances.

Sunday 18 July 2021

Media-10, Society-0:


People are warned not to leave their homes to wander about the streets described as plague-infested by the medical community. 

The Covid-inspired lockdowns have put people right where the media wants them--firmly seated before their TV screens. They cannot miss the commercial messages.

Instead of attending to civic duties of keeping the commercial structures humming, the politicians go along with this. Spooked by the threat of a fall vote, where they are going to need all the media exposure they can get, they tread lightly.

Only clear winners are the mainstream media..

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Logical Solution:

I grew up in the West. On my way to school each day I passed a small cemetery with poplar fence-post grave markers with cross-members either skewed by time and neglect, or rotted off. 

No evidence at all of who they were. It was said they were from the cattle ranching culture that gave way to farms.

When I migrated to Toronto, I noticed small cenotaphs with grave markers grouped around in tight circles. They marked the old cemeteries that got in the way of new highway traffic ramps. The markers were tightly grouped to mark the site within the space available. I did not dare ask what they did with the bones.

Hey, what a neat way to cover up for the progress of urbanization, I thought.

So, how difficult would it be for people concerned with those evil Indian schools to go and get the names of the children at each site who did not make it through the plagues and pandemics? 

They could be chiselled on a slate or granite slab and mounted in full view on each site. They could even be done like the petroglyphs, uniquely representative of native cultures.

Such memorials could be more appropriate than the few markers afforded for the kids, both aboriginal and immigrant, who died at home over the same period and of the same causes.

Their mostly anonymous remains populate the old cemeteries all across the land. 

Saturday 26 June 2021

Preparing for Election:

The left-wing media is preparing for a fall vote.

It's obvious. CTV managed to exhibit full frontal and profile shots of our young PM's handsome features at least a dozen times in the course of a half hour news cast Friday nite. No doubt CBC is doing the same. Exposure wins elections.

No shots of O'Toole.

On the provincial scene, every shot of Doug Ford was with full face mask while Andrea Horwath was shown posturing relaxed full length while delivering her message with teeth in full view.

Maybe we should stop complaining. This sort of partisan bias is less boring than still more Covid 19 infection statistics that fail to tell us if the few casualties were vulnerable elders or members of the general public. 

If they were of the vulnerable category, the decline in infections would be due not so much to the vaccinations, but because the virus has run out of vulnerable elders and has gone back into a dormant state until it is once again needed.

This leaves the medical community with the need to give up star status in the media and the media with the need to once again dig for real news to insert between their commercials. 

Who knows--they might even interview people who were in charge of some of those evil aboriginal schools to see if there are simple explanations or some logical perspective on what actually happened. 

This would allow readers to draw fewer media-hyped conclusions and implications of atrocities comparable only with Nazi population control.

Thursday 10 June 2021


 How dare anybody attempt to bring aboriginal children up to speed in a rapidly evolving society?

Why should they be deprived of the right to go back to the status of hunter/gatherers even though that lifestyle has been abandoned even by the Head hunters of Borneo?

Why aren't we hearing about the successful graduates of Indian schools? 

Surely they weren't all of the mental equivalent of those "students" who had nothing better to do with their education than to topple bronze statues of people significant to past generations.

Sunday 6 June 2021

Whoa! Not so Fast:

 Social media reaction to the announcement of the number of school children's bodies found in a BC residential school's grounds is probably premature.

Before we start comparing this with Nazi slaughters at Buchenwald and Dachau, it might be a good idea to see:

--Over how many years did these bodies accumulate? Is there a chance that this was the local burial site?

--Were there no previous enquiries from families? Why the sudden concern?

--What do the school records show? Did anyone in the mainstream media take the time to check?

This announcement has gone into political mode away too fast.

We know why the government sanctioned these schools for aboriginal kids. It was the most direct way to integrate them into modern society. 

The Catholic church was just one of the organizations that had the means to administer a project designed to give aboriginal children the opportunity to succeed in a rapidly changing society.

Depriving children of their native culture and separating them from their families is the political analysis. And we know by now what political analyses are all about.. 

The announcement prompted immediate drumbeats for apologies from junior-grade diplomats like Trudeau looking for ethnic minority votes. So far, nothing from the Pope.

Nor should there be. The schools were a political undertaking. And it was a good one.

Thursday 27 May 2021

(In)Justice System:

 Isn't there something wrong with a judicial system that allows someone to publicly accuse someone else of behaviour deemed anti-social without revealing who is making the accusation?

Women have been fighting for equality with men in almost every field. They got it. And now it's time to give them equality before the law courts. When a complaint is registered against a male, the person making the complaint should get equal billing.

Any media publicizing such an accusation without including the name of the person making the complaint should be held punishable by the law. Media reporters and editors engaged in such practices should be held to account for it by the courts.

No more media trials. Too many lives have been ruined by the publication of unsubstantiated events alleged to have happened away back in high school. 

Correcting this legal gap is long overdue..

Friday 14 May 2021

Dismantling Catholicism:

A Catholic school board is being bullied into changing a basic rule in its marriage rituals. That rule recognizes marriage as a contract between man and woman.

The sexually indeterminate groups are busy manipulating media editors into changing the lifestyle of entire communities to fit theirs. 

Their tool is a gaily-colored "rainbow" flag they use to gain the attention of media editors for news coverage. They demand that the schools raise the rainbow flag above all others to show how accepting they are of the LGBTQetc lifestyle. 

Busy editors see such material as handy freebies. It is viewed as filler material for those embarassing program gaps when there is nothing of any actual news value to insert between their advertising messages.

It is reported that the Catholic school board being thus challenged is not exactly ready to give in. It seems some of those board members would stubbornly like to keep things as they are.

Why these special interest groups do not go after civil law unions for their specific needs is the question. Law courts are where even the most difficult criminal cases are successfully dealt with.

The Catholic school board members now find themselves in the position to defend the beliefs of virtually all major religious faiths.

It is a heavy responsibility. Discarding beliefs and regulations that have worked fine for thousands of years needs serious reflection.

Saturday 1 May 2021

What Will it be??

When the corona virus finally finishes its work, allowing humanity to return to normal, what will that new normal be?

Are we going to return to looking for someone to blame for all grievances, be they personal, political, social or historic? 

Or is the virus going to inject a little much-needed perspective into our lives? 

That is what happened during the war years. That is why the post-war years were so productive of positive human effort. There was a big lesson recently learned. People were now ready to accept what was happening to them as much better than fighting for their lives.

Nobody felt automatically entitled to everything within reach.

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Mob Rule:

 Should be interesting to watch the US judiciary get out of the hole they dug themselves in by the George Floyd mob scene. Leaving the verdict as it stands validates Mob Rule in the United States of America. 

It's where the jurors respond more to the activists orchestrating an ugly mob scene in the streets than to the evidence as presented before the court.

Also, leaving it as it is makes policing in the US a dangerous, garbage type of occupation, something only an immature gunslinger mentality might aspire to. 

That can lead only to  eventual attempts at mob control using armored vehicles and .50 mm Browning machine gun to keep the peace. Almost certainly not exactly what the US founding fathers had in mind..

Friday 2 April 2021

Relaxed Vigilance?

 Has the advent of the vaccines relaxed us enough to contribute to the second, and possibly third waves of infections?

The Brits have succeeded in jabbing the largest percentage of their citizens according to the media. How are they doing? Do they have Covid 19 on the ropes yet?

Their numbers ought to be a good measuring stick on what's going to happen here if our salvation army ever gets our act together.

Thursday 1 April 2021

Climate Change Canada??

 So there's a new bureaucracy in Ottawa dedicated to stopping our planet's natural functions. It's called Climate Change Canada.

Wow! Wonder how they plan to do that? It has always been understood that if the weather changes, we adapt. Same goes for climate.

Over millions of years the planet endured ongoing climate change. The dinosaurs endured climate change until an oversized boulder from space relieved them of that responsibility.

Maybe our climatologists on Parliament Hill should take the time to check with the people who specialize in planetary dynamics to see if there is such a thing as a natural mechanism to keep the climate exactly the same all the time.

And if there isn't, why are they making an issue and an expensive bureaucracy out of it?

Saturday 27 March 2021

Fatherly Advice:

 Very refreshing to see a rational attitude re: the pandemic from a government official.

Earlier in the week, Ontario Premier Doug Ford somewhat reduced the panic and offered a bit of sage advice to Ontarians along with some easment of the lockdowns. 

Ford said he understood the growing frustration and he trusts people will take responsibility for their own behaviour during the period of eased regulations.

That's good advice.

Friday 26 March 2021

Garbage News?

Local hooligans appear to have taken to picking on Canadians of Chinese origin lately, possibly looking for someone to blame for the pandemic..

Not a nice thing to do. If they looked, they should have noticed oriental faces absent from the rioting mobs both in Canada and the US. 

They appear to be somewhere else, probably going to school or doing something useful.

Thursday 18 March 2021


 One of the surgeons working on the skin problem over my left cheek last week asked if I'd had my Covid shot yet. 

When I said not yet, he asked why not. I told him I thought they're prioritizing it all wrong. 

"It should be people who have a stretch of years to live yet, not old guys like me." 

He disagreed. Said he'd hate to be the one making decisions like that.

Think he's serious, or just trying to be nice?.

 making decisions like that.  

Friday 26 February 2021

Balance Needed:

 An item in the Canora Courier tells how Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe has warned all those protesters who have mobbed the MHO's digs to lay off.

Apparently the event was in protest of an exended Covid lockdown.

Have the Premier and the MHO given up their salaries before making such decisions? That would even the score with citizens who have lost their livelihood due to the lockdown.

Some of these protesters may be looking for money to buy food. The banks are no help. No security, no loan. Only option is to deal with the paycheck mafia who offer interest rates as high as 47 percent. 

It may be time to gamble. Bet some lives in long-term care against the health and well-being of all Canadians. 

Time to make the tough decisions? 

Sunday 7 February 2021

Zeroing in:

How many of those deaths attributed to Covid in the news were seniors in long-term care? How many adults? How many children?

How many of those seniors died of causes other than the virus?  Without such info, it is easy for us to conclude that all deaths in long-term care are being attributed to the virus. 

That idea is ridiculous. Long-term care is where people go to die when the time comes. Until we get accurate accounting in the news, it is easy to suspect that we're being fed propaganda.

Sunday 31 January 2021

New Strain?

 Mainstream media is full of new strains of Covid 19 being imported from all over the planet.

Is that really the case, or is the virus simply mutating in whatever location it finds suitable for further infestation?

Either way, it leaves the vaccine suppliers an easy out in cases where it fails to work, doesn't it?

Sunday 24 January 2021

Media Chore:

 Now that the Covid-19 vaccines are in and being injected into designated early recipients, we should expect the mainstream media to follow up the action. 

There ought to be an early accounting of the relative effectiveness of the vaccines.