

Thursday 2 February 2017

Another slaughter:

Regarding the Quebec City slaughter,
let's not panic. This foul deed is not a world-shattering sample of Islamophobia. It's the result of one immature, ideologically-poisoned mind.

And it's going on somewhere all the time. Usually it's some lunatic fringe Islamic doing it to Christians. This one is unusual in having a lunatic fringe Christian doing it to Islamics.

Nothing new here. Different, but not new. Handy for the electronic media because they didn't have to go out of their way to manufacture dire events to hold our attention for their advertisers.

Not very unusual for Quebecers, either. Nearly half a century has gone by since those ideologically-steeped hoodlums from the Front de Liberation kidnapped James Cross, murdered Pierre Laporte and escaped Canadian justice by hiding in France.

Since then there have been several ideological flare-ups such as the slaughter at L'Ecole Polytechnique.

Somehow, these things tend to happen in La Belle Provence.

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