

Monday 13 February 2017

BLM Right on:

Weighing in on the ongoing Pride policing argument between the BLM mob and the LGBTetc. gang is easy.

This time, the BLM side got it right.

There is no way uniformed officers should be included in the Gay Pride circus. If the silent majority is supposed to have respect for the police officers who are hired to enforce the laws of the city, it is not to their advantage to be seen goofing around like unruly grade school kids with a special interest group.

This is especially so if that group is being nurtured by the electronic media for the purpose of selling toothpaste, diapers and hair care products for men. It is demeaning.

There is little doubt that Police chief Mark Saunders would agree if he were allowed to speak freely with no political background pressures.

Saunders did not initiate this sorry state of affairs. He inherited it from his predecessors who were probably coerced into endorsing the police participation by someone on council with vested interests in the media.

But BLM's case is not easy to make when it is presented on electronic media by that tightly-wound collection of feminine reproductive hormones preaching bloody insurrection with her inflammatory language.

The people behind BLM would do much better if they kept all microphones and megaphones out of her reach. I'd be inclined to guess the police chief would agree.

blmVs LGBTQ etc.

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