

Saturday 25 February 2017

Bleak Future?

We should all hope those news items hinting on the war with ISIS being as good as won are not true.

If that war ends, what are we going to do without all those beheadings and killings in the news?

Our media will then have no choice but to increase its coverage of Gay Pride parades, Black Lives Matter events, terminally p'd off Women's marches on Washington and subversive Russian plans to enlist Trump's support in their evil international schemes.

How many more minutely-detailed incidents of virulent Islamophobia and anti-Semitism can we stomach?

How many new ways will the media be obliged to present aboriginal activists, costumed head-to-toe in animal hides and feathers, beating their drums and stomping in rhythm in front of the parliament buildings in Ottawa?

The only segment of society which, as usual, will be under-represented in the media, will be all those dull and uninteresting taxpayers who are too busy doing something useful to waste time protesting.

And that's a real problem. What kind of garbage are we going to be subjected to in the news on those days when there are no more terrorists around blowing up anything that moves?

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