

Thursday 9 February 2017

Human wrongs

Canada's Human rights legislation is probably the worst piece of political tinkering that could happen in a civilized world.

One day, when our thinking is allowed to evolve a bit, people will see this effort by past Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau as the most meddlesome piece of unnecessary legislation ever cobbled together by a politician.

Every human right and privilege, comes attached to a human wrong.

For instance, why is the baker who refuses to decorate a wedding cake for a sexually indeterminate couple forced to face up to one of those ridiculous human rights tribunals? How come only the couple's rights are recognized but not the baker's?

Why is a clerk or cashier who refuses to serve someone wearing a full face cover attacked by these human rights jackals backed by their kangaroo courts? Would it not be as easy for the masquerader to go next door until she finds someone willing to deal with her?

And, if she finds no one, she still has a choice. Remove that ridiculous garment or do without whatever it is she went shopping for.

That's not too complicated, is it? Why are her rights more important than those of the people she chooses to deal with?

We might as well see this problem for what it is--a complete set of politically-entrenched human wrongs that presumes to do our thinking for us. Very typical of Pierre Elliott Trudeau.

How long is it going to be before the Canadian electorate takes a cue from what happened south of the border and vote for the first person who offers to dismiss those human rights tribunals and get rid of all that Human Rights and Privileges nonsense?

It's a blunt, double-edged tool straight from the stone age that favors someone's rights while simultaneously denying someone else's.

Basically, what it does is attach an easy handle for Big Brother to grasp on every human interaction. It's a money-making tool for the judiciary, and Pierre Elliot Trudeau was a member of that profession.

Trudeau was not alone in being unable to think that one through to a logical conclusion. There were enough Canadians similarly deprived to keep re-electing him.

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