

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Food Costs:

 Think your grocery costs are climbing out of reach? It's nothing yet. Wait until Ottawa's carbon tax kicks in.

It's being hinted on the media that the grocery costs' weekly climb is due to the pandemic. 

Not quite. Added security is not the only reason. We tend to ignore the effects of the carbon tax about to be imposed on Canadian industry.

That's the Trudeau team's devilishly clever campaign to bring global warming and climate change to a screeching halt.

So the farmers, truckers, and practically everyone who gets up to work in the morning are being taxed according to their evil carbon footprint. 

Who pays? It would appear that anticipation of the cost of increased taxation is being downloaded onto the tomatoes, lettuce, poultry, butter, sour cream and everyting else they haul to market. 

The truckers add to it the cost of their fuel, tires, service and repairs. 

People who drive cars will pay at the pump. 

People who own homes will pay more for hydro and heat. 

People who rent will find the increased cost attached to their monthly rental.

Don't believe it when they tell you the extra bucks it costs will be returned. Who's going to pay the cost of the new bureaucracy administering this sorry scheme?.

It's easy to forget about that one when the media has been rattling on about Covid 19 during every waking hour.

So we spend all our time re-inforcing our concern about the pandemic. We have no time to think about the effects of that carbon tax grab on two imaginary problems--global warming, which is fictional, and climate change, a completely natural, vital component of life and evolution.

Climate change has been going on for millions of years, but no one's raised a fuss over it before the advent of the internet and instananeous electronics.

There is no mystery. No great  threats. When the climate changes, all life on the planet simply adapts to it. 

Apparently the Liberal politicians are looking for ways to get their fiscal hooks into it. They see the carbon footprint tax as an opportunity to get their hands a little deeper into our pockets.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Seasonal Chemicals:

'Tis the season to be jolly.

And why not? There's little to feel jolly about in the midst of a most efficient culling of the human herd.

So we do what we can. In the privacy of our homes we can indulge in whatever makes us happy. Usually, it's food and drink.

So. If you're among those who like to enhance the mood with a few libations, here's some advice..

If it's food, it might include wine. That's because wine is a food. 

Beer is a food, too. It is especially useful if there are a few teenagers in the group. Not too dangerous for inexperienced drinkers. They'll probably throw up and go to sleep before becoming obnoxious and unruly.

Distilled liquor is the way to go for adults who can handle it. This includes scotch, rye, bourbon, gin, vodka, and the liqueurs. All of these have had the impurities removed through distillation. Very few headaches left to ambush inexperienced drinkers who tend to overindulge.

Take Scotch for example. Apparently barley grows well in the Highlands. The Scots convert it to malt, add yeast and make beer out of it.

But they don't drink the beer. They run it through a still to make scotch.

But, not so fast. Those canny Scots know from experience that a small fraction of that distillate that evaporates just before ethanol is poisonous. They isolate it and dump it. 

Every responsible distiller does the same thing. That is why there are fewer headaches in a bottle of profesionally distilled liquor than in either beer or wine.

Now that you're aware of this, keep it in mind when you're doing your best to cope with Covid, and have a merry Christmas, Hannukah, or whatever.

Sunday, 13 December 2020

They Still Don't Get It:

Our silly politicians on Parliament Hill are about to make another tax grab to save this world from global warming and climate change.

They're going to hit our staggering economy with that stupid carbon tax.

This is happening right in the middle of our planet's powerful demonstration that it needs no help in maintaining it's own health.

Are the backroom boys who write our PM's speeches trying to make him look foolish? 

If they are, they're too late.

Monday, 7 December 2020

Destroying Lives:

 Which will destroy more lives: Covid 19 or the medical establishment and the administration?

While the Corona Virus is picking off vulnerable humans, the administrations are destroying the way healthy people are trying to make a living.

It's not an easy decision to make. With people conditioned by media hype to buy the narrative, politicians feel safe to go along with medical authorities.

Hundreds (maybe thousands) of people showing up to support the opening of the barbecue joint in Etobicoke Thursday should have been evidence enough that the lock-down has now gone far enough.

Apparently not. A hundred or so cops showed up to arrest the proprietor and put him in custody.

It's not enough that mainly the vulnerable succumb to the plague. The medical community and politicians are now going after healthy people just trying to make a living.

Problem here will be trying to assign the casualties to their proper cause--the virus or the lockdowns. 

Friday, 4 December 2020

Free Shot:

 The Covid 19 media campaign has degenerated into a political battle over who gets the vaccines first when and if they arrive.

I can help. They can have mine.

I'm not trying to be heroic. I just feel a vaccine that's been rushed into production because someone else might have one on the market sooner is probably not what I would like to have injected into my personal ecosystem.

I'm willing to wait a while to see how many of the early recipients survive before collecting my allotment.


Monday, 16 November 2020

Planetary War:

 No end in sight in the see/saw battle between Planet Earth and human medics. 

The planet is trying to stay on its evolutionary track and our medics are doing their best to de-rail that process.

Who's going to ultimately win? The planet, of course. It cannot be  otherwise. 

There are too many people. And they are doing too much damage.

Just as the wolf packs are assigned to keep buffalo, elk and caribou herds under control and cats are assigned to keep rodent pests out of human food supplies, the corona virus has been assigned to reduce numbers of marginally fit humans.

We are converting vulnerable humanity into profit centers at the expense of rain forests and farmland. Covid 19 can be taken as evidence that this has gone too far. 

The arm wrestling between the planet and the medical establishment is going to end with the planet in charge.

Few people will argue that this is not as it should be.


Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Cabin Fever:

 These last couple of weeks of balmy Indian Summer here in southern Ontario brought out some weird lock-down behaviour.

Lots of people out walking their dogs or their kids. Also, lots of evidence of people avoiding family members.

With migratory birds gone and few leaves left to rattle and whisper in the fall breeze, the silence is shattered by neighbors with those idiotic leaf blowers.

One guy across the street plugged in his shop vacuum and proceeded to suck up the dust he dislodged with his toothbrush from the juncture of his driveway and the curb. With his vacuum howling, a half-our later, he was still at it. 

Cabin fever? Or a simple case of wife-avoidance?

It's anybody's guess what the new Covid 19 lockdowns are going to produce, but it's unlikely to be pretty.

Monday, 9 November 2020

Poor Joe Biden:

Poor Joe Biden. It looks like he's going to win the trip to the white House.

He'd better be prepared to deliver what the lefty media accused The Donald of not delivering to their satisfaction.

He's going to have to wave his newly-acquired magical White House wand to make Covid 19 all better.

Good Luck with that, Joe.

Covid 19 all better

Sunday, 8 November 2020

CBC Relaxed:

 Writers at CBC heaved a sigh of relief at the way the US presidential slugfest is being resolved. 

With that dastardly Trump out of the picture, now, at last, Trudeau and Freeland will be able to live up to their full potential, according to one CBC article.

Maybe the CBC editors should be reminded at this point that our PM was not exactly approved by the 
Canadian electorate. They were voting for legalized pot.

Trudeau and Freeland were sneaked in behind the promise of legalized weed by those clever devils in the Liberal backroom.

It's possible most US voters knew they were voting either for Donald Trump or Joe Biden. There was no carrot.


Saturday, 7 November 2020

Avoiding Infection:

Covid 19 has promoted the sale of an endless variety of disinfectant sprays and wipes. You can't enter any establishment without somebody offering to disinfect your dirty hands.

This ritual can create a whole string of new problems. How dependent are we going to become on these commercial wipes? Will we be able to navigate safely within our day-to-day environment?

Is washing our hands and brushing our teeth all it takes to keep us free of dangerous microbes? 

There is a whole army of friendly microbes occupying all of the areas that could support bacterial colonies on and in our bodies. We should hope that these microbes leave no room for foreign bacteria to grow less friendly colonies.

Those of us who have taken antibiotics internally have found that we have lost the ability to easily digest food. This condition is usually temporary, but not always. It lasts only until the resident microbes are replaced, but it could be uncomfortable for a time.

We live in a microbic environment. Most of them are beneficial, or at least non-threatening. That means they occupy territory which would otherwise be open to invasion by microbes of indeterminate nature.

Using those wipes gives us at least a 50 percent chance of acquiring microscopic tenants not necessarily open to friendly co-existence. 

It's like leaving your front door unlocked and open to uninvited guests.. 

Friday, 6 November 2020

Indigenous Summer?

 We're enjoying the traditional two weeks of beautiful summery November weather here in southern Ontario at the moment. We used to call it Indian Summer.

Is it still all right to refer to it in those crude terms? One never knows what those statue-toppling history revisionists are going to riot over these days.

How about aboriginal summer, guys? Does that suit your delicate, highly-evolved sensitivities any better?

Or, would it be even more suitable to refer to it as Indigenous Summer??

One can never be too casual with the terminology these days.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Presidential Slugfest:

 Back in the days when the post for US Prez was being contested by Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Writer Thomas Walkom quipped in the Sun that only Hillary can get Trump elected.

If Biden makes it to the White House, is it fair to expect Walkom to quip that only Trump could get Biden elected?

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Systemic Racism:

 Very unusual for people like NDP leader Jagmeet Singh to talk about systemic racism in Canada. He's probably among the best examples of why it happens. 

By expecting to bend the consciousness of the average Canadian to his personal preferences instead of joining theirs, he stands a good chance to provoke that kind of a response.

Is Singh an ambivalent Canadian? Whether we want to admit it or not, his religious attire is not quite what we're used to seeing, especially not in leadership candidates.

Similarly, by organizing into special interest gangs, the Black Lives Matter members cut themselves out of the herd then scream that they are being excluded.

Similarly, the indeterminate sexuality gang extravagantly parade their differences from what they perceive as the common herd then whine piteously that they are being bullied.

This is not unusual behavior. Incompetent individuals try to gain personal significance by joining gangs instead of tackling life on their own just as responsible people everywhere do. 

Apparently they fail to see that joining a special interest gang has the effect of visibly setting them outside the bounds of the prevailing social consciousness.

Of course, what would the electronic media do for fake news if members of these groups were to stop seeking political solutions to personal problems?

As for Singh, at least he's sticking his neck out on his own, and not trying to hurl rocks from an anonymous mob.

Monday, 26 October 2020


 Now that the Global Warming and Climate Change alarmists have convinced everybody that we are in danger of being fried by the weather, we have to examine what is happening in the Calgary AB environs.

Minus 24C late October weekend temperatures in Calgary should have sent documentary researchers and writers scrambling to create new material for David Suzuki's Nature of things.

The new material should have happy, well-fed polar bears frolicking merrily on growing ice floes in Canada's Arctic.

Al Gore should be busy writing another book; this one on how hell is about to freeze over. And it's all because of human activity.

There has to be an explanation for the minus 24C temperatures experienced over the weekend. Maybe we ought to look to the thousands of like-minded climate scientists the UN invokes to warn humanity of impending planetary melt down.

In my 35 years on the Prairies, I can't recall such a frigid dip so early in the season. Maybe those climate alarmists at the UN can give it a shot??

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Fright Night:

Covid 19 is the official Monster hiding in the far corner under our beds for Hallowe'en 2020. 

It's possible that all of us have come in contact with the corona virus over recent years. It has been suppressed by our natural antibodies in most of us and allowed to mutate into Covid 19 in others.

It has succeeded in gaining the upper hand in more vulnerable individuals and gained terminal status in the terminally vulnerable.

This leaves only advice on how to avoid infection for our medical gurus.

It's rather amusing to watch the propaganda arm of the United Nations switch their attention from such paper tigers as global warming and climate change to our struggle with this very real monster which is described as having no life of its own until it links up with its victim.

So far, we haven't heard what their 1,500 like-minded scientists think of the situation..

Friday, 16 October 2020

US Politics:

Whether or not US Prez Donald Trump gets re-elected depends on the degree to which the US electorate is satisfied that he has successfully drained the government swamp.

A non-politician, Trump managed to wedge his way into the political loop in Washington last election and lost no time re-scrambling things to different standards. It was a short-cut into politics seldom seen and the left-wing media was apoplectic..

We will have to wait until the votes are counted to see if a majority of the US electorate are happy with what he did. Whether Hillary Clinton's Deplorables are still around to once more cast their ballots in favor of Trump will show itself.

Who wins may be as simple as the number of voters casting their ballots for opportunity vs: those voting for handouts.

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Strange Priorities:

How the Covid 19 infection is presented in the media hardly makes sense.

Every day we are told how many new infections have been recorded, but no word as to how many of these have wound up in the hospital. You have to pay close attention to catch how many people have actually died.

Since nearly all of these infections appear to be no more serious than a slight fever, cough or a sniffle, what's the panic?

For this, the municipal authorities have allowed local industry to wilt and unemployment to spin out of control. They have bought media hype and allowed small businesses to be reduced to the brink of bankruptcy. 

They say it's to halt the pandemic. 

What pandemic? Infections are not a pandemic. There are probably more deaths in the making due to lock-down boredom and domestic friction.

Let's be honest. Modern medicine does not actually know how to cope with Covid 19.

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Rights Abuse:

 The news item re the pickup trucker being sued for laying skid marks on a LGBTQ rainbow painted on a local street needs analysis.

Painting a marker on public property by a special interest gang might be considered a provocation. Not everyone would agree that it represents the public interests. Some residents of the community may be wondering who allowed it.

Apparently, the driver of the pickup truck was provoked to do his own thing, too.

The special interest group that painted it are in the process of having him charged.

Obviously, this lawsuit is about one provocation being more important than another.

If the presiding judge does not assign court costs to the people who started it, a golden opportunity for justice will have been lost.

Nobody ought to have more right than anyone else to deface public property while promoting their own cause.

Monday, 5 October 2020

Presidential Concern:

 Media concern as to whether the Trumps will survive the Covid 19 infection are silly.

Their chances of not making it are less than one chance in a thousand.

I'm nearing the end of my 9th decade and I feel confident that the corona virus would have to really put in a day's struggle to gain the upper hand in my personal ecosystem.

Young Trump, only in his 70s, should have no trouble at all.

Saturday, 3 October 2020

School Daze:

 Covid 19 has scrambled educational procedures, giving kids options on how they are going to continue their learning.

Not to worry. My own experience with the system tells me that those who intend to get educated will get educated.

There are no guarantees in what part formal schooling plays in a successful life. Nor is the definition of formal schooling the same at all levels. 

Take, for example, the case where a young man arrived in Canada with $200 and a certificate in Tool & Die Making in his pocket. He hoped to use that to make a living here.

That guy with papers for an obscure (in north America) trade was Frank Stronach.

For the Millennials, Frank Stronach can be Googled. Or simply Google Magna International.

It would be interesting to speculate on what would have happened to Frank Stronach if he had tried to get his education in Canada. Would he have been streamed into the non-existent trades section of the curriculum as he had in Austria where, it appears, the trades are taken and taught seriously?

Or, with attention to no child be left behind, would he have been offered a dumbed-down system of studies and streamed into an arts program where he might have eventually qualified to teach underwater basket weaving or drama?

Interesting thought.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Sustained Panic:

 Top health gurus and electronic media appear to keep stirring the Covid 19 cauldron for as long as they can. 

It's the hypothetical Second Wave they're concerned with right now. And after that, no doubt the Third Wave.

Actual casualties from The First wave have averaged out to a very mild fraction of a single percentage point among the infected, nearly exclusively among vulnerable elders. 

Still, our top health guru makes a big deal of continuing lockdowns and regulations while we wait for that ever elusive vaccine. 

No vaccine is available. Every lab is said to be working furiously to produce something they can market that's unlikely to kill us.

If these experts have their way, they will soon make it illegal for anyone to refuse their flu shots

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

How to Create Prejudice:

 Normally, most of us do not sit around thinking about the color of the skin of our friends and neighbors. 

Not until someone makes an issue of it.

It is brought to our attention almost daily by those protesters rioting in the streets every time someone gets hurt resisting arrest while committing an offense..

Those riots are claimed to be about gaining racial equality. They are not. There is no such thing as racial equality. Equality is individual. It's only for those who personally qualify. Nobody has ever gained equality by joining a gang. The only equality thus gained is with the other losers in that gang. 

Those rioters are looking to have it handed to them instead of working for it like everyone else. Their aim appears to be to gain easy access to preferential positions without actually qualifying. 

We are not hearing from the smartest or most dedicated among them. We are hearing from the lowest common denominator. That includes the loudest and most aggressive activists. They are the ones we see and hear as the electronic media sticks a mike and camera lens in their faces for news filler material..

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Resisting Arrest:

There is a ridiculously simple solution for not being hurt while getting caught breaking the law: don't fight.

If you're not guilty, the law will turn you loose. If guilty, they'll assign a recommended punishment.

Simplest solution, of course, is don't break the law if you can help it.

Resisting arrest is just asking for it. It's plain dumb. And dangerous.

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Navy Seal Grounded:

I like the story about the ex-US Navy Seal who was banned from flying Delta because he refused to wear a Covid mask. 

Apparently, he's the guy who was first to dash up the stairs and knock off Osama Bin Laden during that sneaky raid a few years ago. 

Obviously, a guy who went through an event that had a better than even chance of being suicidal, might regard the political sanitary regulation as trivial.

Entirely apart from how proper it was for him to disregard regulations he might consider nonsensical, it ought to be easy for us to understand his attitude, or even applaud it.

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Fake News?

Donald Trump has been accused of not knowing the difference between real news and fake news.

The obvious explanation is that fake news happens when the program runs out of real news.

That's when they run out of murders, highway crashes, train wrecks, shootings, knifings and collisions, the weather man has run out of predictions, and there is still 15 minutes to go before the next time slot.

They have no choice but to reach into their garbage bin full of footage stored for just such occasions. That material can quite safely be called fake news because it can be aired at any time with little or no adjustment. It's not news.

This usually includes such things as Gay Pride parades, Black Lives Matter riots, Aboriginal demands, exploits from Lunatic Fringe Islam, Climate Change, Global Warming and other special interest trivia. 

Fake News on Social media is another matter. Unedited, it can be quite scatological, often unfit for family viewing.

Anyhow, I think Trump knows what he's talking about. He just hasn't the time to explain it to each nattering critic.. 


Friday, 14 August 2020

Back to School?

School classes should return to normal this fall. 

Even if the quality of education may not be so great, the children should not be deprived of the most important part of their education--human interaction in a classroom environment. 

Unfortunately, the teachers' unions' adversarial stance with the province has nothing at all to do with education. It's all about financial gain. 

Children's education means nothing when they want to arm wrestle and keep winning as they have under previous administrations.

As for Covid 19, cases of kids succumbing to it are hard to find. And the media and health authorities appear to be pushing number of infections while ignoring actual casualties. Is it because they are so few?. 

It ought not to qualify as an issue to deprive kids of their learning.

Thought Control:

It would appear that having a squad of thought police looking over your shoulder at all times is no longer just a bad joke. 

Incredibly, there are people trying to make it illegal to think prejudicial thoughts.

It originates among groups of protesters that appear ready to do away with all law and order.


Friday, 31 July 2020

New Words:

Microphobes is a new word I find difficult to do without.

Readers may want to add it to that other new word: Climaphobes, which was difficult to avoid when discussing the special interest people promoting climate armageddon before Covid 19 got their attention.

Neither is a dictionary item. Each became necessary to our lexicon in attempting to cope with electronics gadgetry-induced paranoia.

People who find use for them are invited to use them. Please feel free.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Collateral Damage:

The electronic media is making out like gangbusters with all those plague-induced microphobes glued to the screen.

When there is nothing else to do, people are reduced to staring hypnotically at the tv screens.

But there is more evidence every day that, despite the restrictions, people will find a way to get out and behave normally. So far, there are reports of drivers doing really stupid things in their cars.

Young folk gather in groups that can more accurately be described as swarms in parks, at the beach and more frequently, in public places and recreational space.

It is still too early for anyone to assess collateral damage, but domestic friction and senseless killings will eventually bear evidence of the restrictions fewer people are prepared to tolerate.

It shouldn't take long for deaths due to cabin fever to exceed those of the virus. Bear in mind these deaths will not be losses of people vulnerable to microbes assigned by nature to keep human populations under control.

Saturday, 25 July 2020


Slavery is not a big deal.

It was practiced at some time in every culture in every part of the world. It faded and became less visible as each culture evolved.

Every language has in it words that are evidence of slavery at some time in its evolutionary cycle. It may be generally held  true that the more evolved societies used members of the less evolved to do their menial chores.

This situation was not taken on lightly. Owning slaves meant not only sheltering them, but also feeding them and, in general, looking after their health and well-being. No good farmer abuses his cattle or horses. 

It might be assumed that how well they were looked after depended on how useful they were to their owners.

Cases where slaves were rewarded with freedom and independence for their efforts are not unheard of. It may even have been the expected outcome. 

It is very much like the modern day employee working his way up the ladder and finally getting to be the person who is responsible enough to make the decisions for his own group of employees.

Modern day slavery as practiced by the financial institutions is extending credit to people who abuse their credit card limits so recklessly that most of their income goes into paying off the interest.

That's modern slavery. The financial institutions initiate the situation with people young enough and inexperienced enough to not realize what they are getting themselves into.

That is why the current Ontario government's plans to replace the previous administration's sex indoctrination curriculum in the early grades with financial arithmetic is such a logical and responsible thing to do.

Go for it, guys.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

How deadly?

How deadly is the Covid 19 virus?

An article in MSN posts results of several medical research operations. Not one of them is reported to have found the percentage of fatalities among people infected as high as a single percentage point. 

All of them post fractions of less than one percent.

So, for less than one percentage point of deaths among those infected by the virus, we are burdened with dozens of restrictions. We are coerced into buying those ridiculous face masks and rubber gloves and tons of disinfectants. On top of that, we are threatened with fines and public ridicule for failing to comply.

And to top it all off, municipal officials are allowing thriving businesses to die, jobs to disappear, with more of the same promised every day on electronic media.

The whole thing has deteriorated into a media event with the large numbers given up-front to keep media-induced microphobes glued to the screen.

A couple of days ago CTV began a news item with number of Covid cases, went on to other huge numbers world-wide and ended with the actual number of deaths in Canada--two.


News editing priorities have changed radically since I was in the game. 

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Idiocy Rules:

Police chiefs resigning in several cities, both in Canada and the US is not good news.

We have to conclude that these moves were prompted, at least in part, by the hooliganism launched by the Black Lives activists. These people are without a doubt looking for less police interference with what they are up to. In other words, a free hand in criminal activity.

They want the police de-funded.

If ever there was a recipe for chaos, that's the one. 

Thursday, 9 July 2020

Chasing Infections:

The health authorities and the politicians are breathlessly chasing corona virus infections, posting large numbers in the media on a daily basis.

The few deaths due to Covid 19 are mentioned almost as an aside.

Shouldn't it be the other way around? The actual casualties weigh in as a very low percentage of the infections, hovering in the single digits. So why is the number of infections given such prominence?

Many of us are aware that there is no such thing as a politician who will refuse free media exposure. It is also obvious that the media is flogging face masks, disinfectants, sanitary wipes and toilet paper. 

Why is the human herd so willing to co-operate with such manipulative behavior by mayors and councilors who inconvenience their electorates with face masks, fines and endless regulations? Do we like being manipulated?

Wednesday, 8 July 2020


My little Niece, Debbie, casts doubt that people read facebook posts that do not contain pictures.

Actually, those of us who still write things do so with the idea that it's for people who are still capable of reading. There's ample evidence that an increasing number of facebook participants are reverting back to where we came from several thousand years ago.

Part of the evidence is in those annoying emojis jumping around your cursor when you try to use the screen. Add to that the easy transfer of imagery from the phone cameras and there is very little need for anyone to ever actually engage the brain to convey thoughts.

So, it would appear, we are reverting to a form of pictographs--something like what the Egyptians used and the origins of oriental calligraphy. All of that, of course, evolved from the petroglyphs. That is the way our ancestors recorded their thinking back before they discovered that the rocks they were using may contain metals.

Petroglyphs can be viewed and photographed along the shores of some of the lakes joined by the Trent-Severn canal system in northern Ontario. They are evidence that our stone-age ancestors experienced enough periods of security to allow them to carve images in sandstone and slate slabs using quartz, flint and granite tools.

Who, among our ancestors, would ever have dreamed that someday, in the dim future, their descendants will return to that form of communication?

Friday, 3 July 2020


Covid 19 has been labelled a plague by various authorities, but from the planetary view, it is really a correction.

What appears to be in need of correction is a surplus of vulnerable humanity surviving long after their best before date has expired. All the signals are there for us to read and interpret unemotionally. 

First of all, the virus is hard to identify. Nor is it easy to identify the carriers. Later reports aren't even sure if people who appear to be immune to it can still carry it and pass it on.

Most of the information drummed at the public by health authorities and politicians appears to have a strong speculative element. They are not quite sure of what exactly is going on and the media is full of it. There is no vaccine and none appears to be on the immediate horizon.

All these highly politicized efforts to "flatten the curve" are bearing nothing very definitive. It may be that flattening the curve will just lengthen the period of correction.

We will not know for sure what works until we can compare the length of the infection between jurisdictions that worked to flatten the curve with those that took the chance to allow it to spike with the view of shortening the infection's presence in the population.

A previous well-defined planetary correction used the Aids virus to correct the abuse of human reproductive procedure. While there is no real cure, it is said to have prompted changes in non-reproductive sexual activity. 

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Where'd That Come From?

The common belief that Covid 19 resides mainly in crowded environments needs a re-think.

A report in my home town paper from Saskatchewan indicated that there were as many if not more Covid 19 infections in the province's far north.

Plague infections in sparsely populated bush and mining country? What are the chances?

Saturday, 27 June 2020

Planetary Rescue?

Planet Earth doesn't exactly need Al Gore, David Suzuki and the Green Party to fight for its health. It can do what needs to be done by itself.

It's doing that right now with a very refined, very accurate campaign of easing up on the human infestation. Despite advanced science and medicine, Covid 19 looks like it will do what needs to be done.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Toppling Statues:

Toppling statues of historic figures is today the socially acceptable thing to do. There are people who think nothing important ever happened before the invention of cell phones. 

Even John A. MacDonald and Winston Churchill mean nothing to this bunch.

Apparently, today's navel gazers would replace them with heroes from the ranks of celebrities, scofflaws and rappers. 

Latest hero of the day as the protesters see it is the guy who got throttled by a heavy cop while resisting arrest in Minneapolis.

A statue erected to this hero would have to bear the inscription Died with an overweight cop's knee on his neck while resisting arrest.

This appears to be what today's heroism is made of.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Racial Prejudice:

Some people think putting more restrictions on the police will somehow help them gain racial equality.

That's faulty logic. Police work is difficult enough when dealing with people who have no respect for the law. That's why we need them.

People who tend to regard others as inferior for whatever reason, delude themselves into thinking everyone of the same skin color is just as prejudiced.

There's little anyone else can do about such attitudes. Goading others into joining in their protests serves only to divide rather than unite.

Trying to achieve equality by making it illegal to think otherwise will not work. You have to personally qualify. And for that, you have to re-examine your own thinking. 

Monday, 1 June 2020

Trump Right Again?

Here's an alternate analysis of what is actually going on with the pandemic situation.

The only sure thing about the virus is that only a small fraction of the people infected die.

The biggest problem appears to be to find out who is infected and who is not.

It is possible that over the years, some variant of the corona virus has infected all of us as the flu virus. It has mutated into Covid 19 in some people. The defensive microbes in some of us have suppressed it to the point of it being undetectable, while being lethal in others.

The Covid 19 variant is picking off the vulnerable among us.

Efforts to develop a vaccine are commendable, but too late for some.

President Trump is probably right in questioning the efforts of the UN's World Health Organization.

Sunday, 31 May 2020

That's Riot!

Those riots just had to happen because of the lock-downs. It took longer than it might have. 

The hooligans might be asked, "How would you react if the policeman with his knee on the prisoner's neck had been black?".

How about if the victim had been white?

Ridiculous situation, but it is obvious that the hooligans do not see themselves as Americans. They see themselves as underprivileged blacks living in an oppressive white society..

The rest of the mob with multicolored skin are just hooligans looking for an opportunity to gang up and break things. And with all the restrictions in place, the ganging up was inevitable.

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Blame China?

People looking around for someone to blame for the pandemic seem to zero in on the Chinese.

Hey, it's a pandemic. It requires nothing more than a heavily-populated area to assert its presence. China is heavily populated. May be that the next wipeout will begin in India, or Africa.

The job of a pandemic is to cull the human herd, and it is doing that efficiently by reducing the marginally functional fringe. 

Monday, 11 May 2020

Climate Change?

We're definitely undergoing sweeping climate change. Certainly, it's not Global Warming.

We are all waiting for that spring-like weather. The trees are waiting to leaf out. The daffodils, which were encouraged to blossom during a cool, sunny day last week, are facing the  sun, looking cold and unhappy. There's no enthusiasm in their little faces.

ur Bing cherry, tired of waiting, has bloomed reluctantly. But the chances of producing cherries are slim with no insects around to carry pollen back and forth.

It's as though everything is on hold, waiting for Nature to announce that we are again open for business..

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Media Hype?

So recent figures of the world toll from the Covid 19 pandemic estimate it to be a relatively insignificant 205,000 as of Saturday nite.

205,000 out of a world population of an estimated 8 billion? That's hardly scary for a global panic of the proportions we have been drummed into enduring by the authorities.

World population was considerably smaller at the end of WWI when the Spanish Flu was claimed to have cost an estimated 20-50 million lives.

Did the presence of cell phones and electronic media hype in our current world stampede the human herd into an unwarranted level of panic?

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Unsatisfactory Cure:

The US Prez warned that the cure for Covid 19 may be worse than the disease. 

He's probably right. Someone at the UN warned that eventual fallout from the pandemic may be a famine of Biblical Proportions. 

That, too, can happen, but not likely. Media  reports plans growing in many administrations to get the economy moving. With great care, of course, but moving.

Greatest danger today is the negative mindset promoted so efficiently by politicians trying to look responsible and health authorities trying to look as though they know what they are doing.

Covid 19 sneaked up on everyone in the guise of the corona virus. And that is exactly what an efficient plague microbe is supposed to do. It is doing its job efficiently.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Mobile Microbes:

There's a good chance the corona virus had infiltrated the human herd effectively long before we became aware of its presence. It is a modern microbe, taking full advantage of modern technology.

Its ancestors in no way would have been able to launch such an assault on a global scale. Like everybody else, they had to operate locally. There were no high-powered passenger jets moving globe-trotting human carriers to the far corners of the planet.

Think of the poor microbes of ages past, including bacteria, assigned to thin the human herd in densely populated areas. These included cities, large parishes, or just places with too many people.

Those microbes at first had no means of transit other than ox cart or footsmobile. Horses came later when people discovered they were more useful for transit than for food. Microbes carrying cholera, the Black Death, and the Bubonic Plague were unlikely to cross oceans and reduce human surpluses in other cultures.. 

As human technology grew, there came a time when microbes were able to hitch rides on trains and ships. That was during the steam era.

The microbes that introduced the Spanish flu took advantage of the sharp rise in technology that appeared in the course of the first World War 100 years ago.

There's little doubt that hydrocarbon-fuelled transportation and early aerial transit contributed something to the Spanish Flu's mobility. Those microbes took more lives around the planet than the war that facilitated it.

Curiously, the elders were not targeted. It was the youth who had not yet developed enough natural immunity who were decimated.

Of course, 100 years ago the elders were not as old nor in such a vulnerable condition as the elders are today. 

The human species did not have such sophisticated medicine a hundred years ago. No doubt there were very few if any long-term care facilities full of ailing elders.

The Covid 19 microbes are not missing many opportunities. While the politicians posture heroically for the cameras and the medical authorities offer endless advice on how to avoid infection, it's all rather futile.

The rules and regulations launched almost daily to flatten the infection curve result only in extending the time it takes for the plague to do its job and disappear.. 

There's a real possibility they are slamming the gates shut long after the horses have run off..

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

New Directions:

The corona virus has arrived just in time to make people bent on saving the planet refocus their attention to saving their own sorry butts.

It's the kind of thing that has cleared the playing field during each of the two world wars of the 20th Century. But no wars, no sweeping changes.

Once again, Nature has shown us that when we refuse to do it ourselves, it will be done for us.

Sweeping changes are needed. Leaders around the planet need to pick new directions. Let's not blow it.

Friday, 27 March 2020

Unpleasant Choice:

While the Corona virus goes about its job of culling the human herd, there is a choice our administrations are going to have to ultimately make:

At what point do we stop piling on new rules and restrictions to save lives while ignoring the need for small business and industry to survive?

That choice will have to be made. 

It's not an easy one.

Sunday, 15 March 2020

No Virus Panic:

The administration in Japan seems determined to go ahead with the Olympics as scheduled for this year.

ow can we blame them? The Japanese are probably immune to panic. They are a nation of people living on a string of islands that react like shattered crockery to seismic shifts. 

These people have endured nuclear radiation, volcanoes, earthquakes on an almost daily basis, and tsunamis that would scare the pants off Noah.

To them, virus infection that kills off a few individuals here and there is no big deal. The odds indicate quite clearly that 9 out of 10 people who come down with the corona virus recover following a brief bout.

Apparently, such odds look pretty good to those tough Japanese who have learned to live quite comfortably with insecurity.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Trump's Fault:

A battery of scribes from Washington Post has posted a diatribe on how their president is mishandling the Corona virus. The article falls just short of accusing him of actually causing the plague.

An important part of this scriptural assassination attempt is accusing the prez of posting inaccurate numbers. 

Trump is accused of comparing the 22 corona virus deaths in the US with 37,000 deaths due to the flu virus in a previous year and the average of 27,000 to 30,000 deaths due to the flu annually.

Apparently, these "analysts" from the Post feel it is highly undiplomatic for the president to try to put some unwelcome perspective upon the importance the media is assigning the infection.

While it is uncertain who to blame; media hype like that from the Washington Post, or the social media, apparently President Trump does not view the international panic as a return of the Black Death.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Hooligans in charge:

Our Honourable Members on Parliament Hill have failed to back the Royal Canadian Mounted Police during the rail blockages.

This was a clear signal to the hooligans blocking Canada's transportation corridors that it was okay to thumb their noses at law and order as they set fire to rail ties.

Our pm avoided doing what he was elected to do by pretending he was doing something important in backwoods Africa ..

This is a clear signal to the militant rabble that they can do anything they wish.

It is not hard to imagine this situation as something that might have occurred in 1930s Germany where the voters, having grown tired of wishy-washy leadership, saw nothing wrong in eventually electing a leader who looked like he could lead.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Virus Plus:

The Covid 19 scene is by no means all negative. Those little agents of evolution give the news media something other than global warming and climate change to talk about when there is no news.

For instance, we haven't seen or heard anything from that snarly kid from Sweden in over a couple of weeks now.

Instead of apocalyptic climate change rumblings from the propaganda arm of the UN, now we get dry numerical data from their health guru. 

While so far, it's hardly blood-curdling news, it's statistical in nature and nowhere near as whiney.

So far, we haven't seen any comparisons of global fatalities due to the corona virus with highway crashes, drug ODs, cancer deaths, starvation, floods and stormy weather.

Probably too much like work for media types..

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Homogenized Society:

Karl Marx figured a homogenized society would be the perfect world for everyone. That's when everybody gets to enjoy equal benefits and security and no one has more than anyone else.

That's what Andrea Horwath is promoting in Ontario, Justin Trudeau and Gerald Butts in Canada. For them, it's the post-national world.

For some, this is already a reality. When you view all those protesters on the highways, the railways, on street corners and in front of parliament buildings, it becomes obvious that there is a sub-culture that can afford to stand there and shout obscenities instead of going to work to pay utilities and taxes.

Who is feeding these hooligans? How can they afford to stand there and do that?

How long will the working folk paying for this free lunch continue before giving up and joining the freeloaders?

How long can an economy continue this before it runs out of taxpayers?

And when that happens, who will be around to pay for that free lunch?. 

Monday, 17 February 2020

Wilful Ignorance?

Just when political intervention in the transportation corridors shut down is warranted, our PM is out doing the heroics in Backwoods Africa. 

Clever move. There will be no necessity for anyone to explain why nothing is being done or make excuses for what was said.

Why risk offending a significant voting block of politicized rabble? It's still early in the season. Maybe we'll get a really cold day and they'll all get cold and go home.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Modern Inquisition:

That Impeachment of US President Donald Trump media event is the perfect example of how the social consciousness in the western world has deteriorated back to 15th Century standards. 

Just think what Torquemada himself could have done with modern media hype during the Spanish Inquisition.

The really scary part? These Democratic party inquisitors are going to select someone to oppose Trump in the fall. 

Now, that's really scary.