

Friday 13 December 2019

Impeaching Trump:

Just when you thought things couldn't get any more irrational in US politics, they come up with a new one.

"If we fail to impeach Trump, he'll get re-elected." 

That statement was credited to one of the Democratic inquisitors at the impeachment proceedings.

If that's the best they can do, someone should apologize to the American electorate for wasting time, effort, and getting taxpayers to pay for this futile pursuit. This is the kind of garbage one would expect from people starved for media exposure.. 

It's possible the US electorate endorsed Trump when they sensed where US politics was going and thought it had gone far enough.

What are Donald Trump's chances of getting re-elected? These ridiculous impeachment proceedings are practically guaranteeing it.

Friday 22 November 2019

New Science?

The man-made global warming and climate change cult festering in our social consciousness today is making climate science look like something loosely put together in an animation studio in Hollywood.

When the CBC and CTV publish numbers like 150,000 scientists all bunching up to declare with one voice that the sky is falling, you know it's not science. It's political propaganda aimed at limited intellects like school children and the adults they are exposed to.

Science at one time was in the hands of people with formally recognized ability to think things through to a logical conclusion. At least that is what we used to think.

This appears to be no longer the case. When scientists bunch up in a herd to collectively issue highly suspect conclusions, we are prompted to think that academic degrees today are handed out like peanuts. 

And it's the politicians who have a hand in who qualifies. It's the politicians who control the research grants which many people engaged in climate science need in order to be employed.

Thursday 21 November 2019

Prince Andrew:

If ever there was a male in the Royal household likely to do what comes naturally, certainly it would be Andrew. And that's a negative only in today's sick social consciousness.

So the tight-assed attitudes of charities Andrew was associated with are rejecting him because he knew someone who was accused of doing things nice guys should not be caught doing? Wow!

Should he lose much sleep over this highly media-hyped PR disaster?

No, he should not. He should see this as a chance to get out of the highly transparent royal fish bowl and live the rest of his days in peace and privacy. To hell with the BBC, public opinion and all the rest of today's media-hyped politically correct phoniness that goes with it. 

Someone has to take the chance to show Brexit how it's done..

Go for it, Andrew.

Sunday 17 November 2019

Behind the Scenes:

If someone's fighting to get into the Middle East, Central America, or other third-world countries, it hasn't been reported in the media. 

It's western democracies like the US, Canada and continental Europe that are being invaded by hordes of "refugees" risking life to escape societies that produce more people than their systems can handle.

What's wrong here? Are we destined to be overrun by people from unsuccessful societies, conquered without firing a shot? 

What is it that prevents western democracies from reproducing and/or maintaining their own populations? Do we need another world war to  produce another Baby Boomer generation?

Has Ma Nature applied the brakes on human infestations in cities like Toronto? Is the tendency for people to come out of the closet lately a symptom? 

Is it because we have devalued parenthood and glorified a self-indulgent lifestyle in the media, making it preferable to become just office furniture or factory floor assists to robotic machinery with no room in our lives for children? 

current social attitudes in our western democracies an unintended result of our human rights charters? Or were they intended?

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Boris Johnson:

Britain's PM is one interesting character. They haven't really had one like him since Winston Churchill.

If there's anyone capable of taking the Brits out of the soul-stifling European huddle, he's the one. 

What'll it be?

The media seems worried how Trudeau will use his reduced government to try correct his massive foul-ups between the Eastern and the Western ends of the country.

My bet is that he will do nothing. He's focused purely and single-mindedly on saving the earth by destroying Canada's industry.

But before he can carry on that great work, he will have to form a government, and governments need responsible ministries with responsible ministers in charge.

The question has to be asked, will young Trudeau once again pick ministers by gender, or has he learned enough to consider actual experience and qualifications?

Trudeau favored women in his first cabinet. Apparently, in his view, women were incapable of qualifying for the ministries on their own merits and needed to be favoured by him.

Trudeau also fiddled around with the laws regarding people's rights to invade private properties to steal and damage things. Apparently, this was inspired by incidents in Saskatchewan and Ontario where farmers caught trespassers and shots were fired with some injuries.

Trudeau is said to have decided to make it easier for indigenous criminals to do things like that without suffering the same consequences as ordinary Canadians when caught.

So it remains to be seen if our prime Minister still sees women and aborigines as not quite capable of navigating successfully on their own in our society without his help.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

The Highwayman:

When the last of the little chocolate bandits have finished their looting and gone home, I like to pour myself a soothing libation, settle down in a comfortable chair and read something spooky. It should be something that will spark my imagination.

Most likely to trigger the spooky mindset of Hallowe'en for me is a poem written away back before the turn of the 20th Century. It was nicely crafted by Alfred Noyes, a Brit with a dark and foreboding imagination.

For the benefit of those who have forgotten their high school reading assignments, The Highwayman is a tale of love and heroics from the days when robbing horse-drawn carriages and delivery wagons was a viable occupation. Apparently it was regarded with some measure of heroism by people like the Innkeeper's beautiful daughter.

In the verse, Noyes builds a spine-chilling scene on a moonlit night when the lawmen of the day lay a trap for the highwayman using the girl as bait. It all comes to a gruesome conclusion against a spooky backdrop of intermittent moonlight.

The Highwayman can be accessed on the web.

Warning: Find a quiet corner in your home and give your own imagination free rein when you read it. Ignore the accompanying film clips offered. They mostly feature sound tracks voiced by people with no feel for horses, gorgeous women or sixteenth century lifestyles.

Thursday 10 October 2019

King Canute?:

Our great leader was out there promising to change the climate in the Arctic according to the electronic media. 

The film clip showed Trudeau posturing and vigorously glad-handing the folk in Nunavut while promising to save their ices by bringing Global Warming to a halt.

And even as he spoke, the folk in the Prairie provinces were shovelling early October snow for the second week in a row with still more promised for Manitoba and parts of northern Ontario.

Impressive, what? I didn't know politicians can do that.

Saturday 5 October 2019

Children's Crusade?

When I was a small kid, we all worried about what Adolf Hitler was going to do next.

When my kids were growing up, they worried about what the Soviet Union and the US would do if some sleepy technician misinterpreted a radar screen signal and panicked. We all feared the A-bomb, then the H-bomb.

Apparently, today's kids had nothing much to worry about, so the media, together with junk science, sponsored by politicians from the United Nations, have given them Global Warming and Climate Change to agonize over.

When you see the hatred and emotional involvement on the faces of kids like that little girl from Sweden, it becomes clear that a great social injustice is being dumped on this generation. They are being programmed to agonize over a hoax.

houldn't people like CBC's David Suzuki and Al Gore be held to blame for inserting apocalyptic trash into little kids' minds? 

Who benefits?

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Hounding Trump:

So some mysterious insider in the Whitehouse is rumoured to have some information on the president's allegedly inappropriate conversation with the Ukrainian leader and the hard-left US media is salivating at the chance to fire him out of office in any way they can..

Wow! And here we thought that our leadership problems here in Canada were stupid.

Saturday 21 September 2019


It's not easy to understand the massive media kerfuffle over Trudeau's blackface acts. We've all done dumb things in our younger years, but something like dressing up for Hallowe'en hardly qualifies.

Yet, electronic media like CTV gave the first 15 minutes of their news to this silly incident. If this is the best they could do in picking fault with this guy's administration, it's an unsustainable stretch.

Is that what they're trying to do-- concentrate on trivia while SNC-Lavalin, multi-millionaire Omar Khadr, the Indian visit, the pipeline shut down, the China deal, the massive erosion of Canada's industrial infrastructure, etc., etc., are all allowed to fade into the background?

Is that it?. Out of sight, out of mind?

Monday 16 September 2019


Climaphobes ought to be a good way to describe individuals who think people can cause more damage to the environment than hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanoes.

While that word does not appear in my dictionaries, I used it in the Greta Thunberg post because it seemed exactly appropriate.

So if anyone wants to use it, please feel free. No charge.

Saturday 14 September 2019

Greta Thunberg;

Greta Thunberg is reported to have crossed the Atlantic in a sailboat so as to inflict no further damage to the environment. 

She's scheduled to tell the collection of climaphobes at the climate change conferences in Montreal and New York her version of what they have all gathered to promote..

While any meaningful discussion with any opinionated 16-year-old would not be especially educational, our media is not likely to view it that way at all.

When there's a shortage of shootings, killings or lethal smash-ups on the highway and it's news time, they will give her monologue whatever space they need to fill.

Let's be honest. It's relief from still more mind-numbing fillers featuring events from lunatic-fringe Islam, Gay Pride, Black Lives Matter, virulent anti-Semitism, or aboriginal demands.

Go get 'em, Greta!!.

Thursday 29 August 2019

Math Problems:

Problems with math in Ontario schools may be an indication of a much larger problem with today's kids.

It just may be the gradual transfer of their ability to calculate, read, write and think from their brain cells to their electronic gadgetry.

The department of education's new regulations governing the presence of cell phones in the classroom is an important step in bringing this problem to the attention of the educators.

You'd think this would be a no-brainer among the teachers, but apparently, it's not. Some of the teachers interviewed on electronic media admit it's not easy to ban phones in the classroom. They even get lukewarm co-operation from school boards and parents.

This appears to be a sort of evolution in reverse gear. Just one power failure, and we're out of business as the dominant species on this planet.

Maybe it is time to stop worrying about climate change and start worrying about the future of our species..

Wednesday 21 August 2019

This is Leadership?

The politicians who once again allowed themselves to be maneuvered into mincing along with the gay paraders in Montreal include Greenie Elizabeth May, NDPer Jagmeet Singh, some provincial premiers, and, of course, the greatest joiner of them all, Justin Trudeau.

Is this leadership, or is it groveling for votes in the electronic media? 

Think about it for a moment before you mark your ballot in October.

Friday 16 August 2019

The Baby Boomers:

When I arrived in Toronto during the late '60s, the young folk here were busy re-inventing society to their own specifications. The Hippie revolution was in progress.

This was significant because it included a more numerous generational group than is usually the case. They were the offspring of a society that had survived the Second World War and came home to make love, not war. They were the Baby Boomers.

I landed at the Mississauga News, one of the Farm Clubs as Ray Argyle of the Telegram put it, spreading their influence into Toronto's rapidly expanding suburbs. The Star and the Globe were doing it, too.. 

Among the many wonderful people I met here was a young man from a prominent Toronto Township family who impressed me as a well-educated, well brought-up personality full of potential for success. In no way was he a spaced-out Hippie. At least, not yet..

When Toronto Township electorate was offered a choice of name, we at the Mississauga News naturally campaigned to name the new town Mississauga, as opposed to Sheridan. That alternative was proposed and heavily promoted by a social element that appeared ready to name everything north of the US border after Sheridan, an Irish expatriate with no verifiable claim to fame in Canada.

When I left Mississauga News and went to work at Maclean-Hunter, I got to meet an entirely new galaxy of individuals. 

The Hippie era was still rampant in Toronto. It appeared to be centered upon Rochdale College, another hopeful experiment in effortless education. It collapsed in '75, apparently because weed, speed, magic mushrooms and LSD were found to be ineffective as learning tools..

This was not unusual behavior among the young Hippie crowd. At the time, the Beatles were searching for new religious experience throughout the Far East and the Hippies tried to do everything the Beatles were doing.

One day, in the middle of my noon-time walk along Yonge St., I came upon my impressive young friend from Mississauga whom I hadn't seen since the election that elevated Pierre Trudeau to the top ministry. Too many things were happening too quickly for me and I needed to do a quick think in order to place him in my mind.

First thing he said to me was, "Have you met the Mahareej Ji?"

The way he said it was like "Have you met God?"

I searched his face for evidence that he was joking, but found none. He was deadly serious. There was no evidence that the bright, presentable young man I had met three years earlier was still in there.

The conversation was short, since he appeared to be so full of Mahareej Ji that there was no room for exchange of any other information. 

Later, I checked with an associate who appeared to have been keeping track of what was happening in the Hippie world. He said the Mahareej Ji was one of several religious cults that sprang up in the city core to take fiscal advantage of the Hippie hunt for new religious experience.

There were all these spaced-out Hippies ready to mentally accept anything at all that bore no resemblance to what their parents believed. That, of course, included the by then well-heeled Beatles who, in their own way, were the high priests of the new world order as the huge mass of Baby Boomers viewed it. 

They, and Elvis Presley, were the music of this generation, and some of it was not too bad. There was Joni Mitchell, the Girl from Saskatoon; Ian and Sylvia; Rompin' Ronnie Hawkins, the Supremes and other very tolerable sounds. Actually, it was a lot better than some of the cacophony that passed for music for some succeeding generations.

Society has been more-or-less temporarily re-constructed by every succeeding generational group leading up to the present. Each succeeding de-construction and re-construction has been made easier by the enhanced communication of the internet and the rapidly evolving electronic gadgetry adopted by each generational group since.

With each re-construction, it became easier to de-construct traditional thinking and replace it with the half-formed thinking of the immature element in the electorate.

Social guidance has migrated to the hands of people who no longer base their decisions on something that was known to have worked before. 

Befores are very limited for people too young to have experienced many. The electronic evolution has enabled generations that were easy to ignore before to be heard loud, clear, and often to no one's advantage. 

Like it or not,
that's where we are today.

Monday 22 July 2019

Evolutionary Speed Bump?

Digital  technology is great. The kids born into it accept it no questions asked. The idea of doing without it is unthinkable.

And that's the problem. It is entirely possible that the last couple of generations would be hopelessly lost without it..

I went shopping for some edibles today. I feel silly talking to machines, so I get into the lineups with cashiers. These are being discouraged by the supermarkets because of Kathleen Wynne's $15/hr wage minimum decree in buying votes last election in Ontario. 

Market strategists saw this, quite correctly, as only the beginning of a political trend and invested in robot check-out lines. Now they're trying to phase out cashiers.

There may be reasons other than the wage. It has to do with education. Kids educated in Ontario lately have problems dealing with dollars and cents. They are not being taught to think.

My bill for $15.34 would have netted me  Loonies, Toonies and a fistful of quarters, nickels and dimes, so I offered the cashier a twenty and 35 cents. 

She stood there, in a state of comatose brain-freeze, because the situation no longer matched what the machine showed. She took the money I offered, retrieved change, handed it to me along with the sales slip, and turned to the next in line.

I pocketed it and was halfway to the door before it occurred to me that the change didn't feel right. Sure enough, it was a $5 bill plus a Loonie.

Now, the choice was: go back and embarrass the cashier by pointing out the error; or continue on and live with the guilt.

I'm feeling guilty, but not too much. I rationalized it by recalling other times when the wrong change was not in my favour.

Wednesday 17 July 2019

Disarming the Public::

Our politicians went once more through that spectacular vote-gathering procedure of buying back the public's guns a couple of weeks ago. 

The media was full of views of mayor and police chief posing heroically at tables full of guns they got for the safety of the public.

And while this was going on, the shootings and killings in the city went on as usual. There was no let up.

Apparently, the criminals and gang-bangers were not coerced into turning in their artillery. 

Who knew?

Tuesday 16 July 2019

Trump Over-Polite?

Shop personnel where I do my auto mechanical service think Donald Trump has become uncustomarily polite.

They figure instead of telling those nattering critics that they should go back to their countries if they are unhappy with living in the US, he might have suggested they go back to their kennels.

That would be more like the old Donald Trump before he began caving in to polite presidential behaviour.

Saturday 13 July 2019

New Copernicus Needed:

Roughly 500 years ago it was still stylish to think that the earth stood still and the entire cosmos revolved around it. 

How could anyone doubt it? It was obvious. All one needed to do to get the idea is watch how the sun rose in the morning, sailed across the sky and dipped below the horizon at nightfall. Ditto the moon and the stars.

Religions confirmed this. Some made it dangerous to think otherwise.

Along came Nicholas Copernicus, a Polish monk who dared to think otherwise and dared defy the thought police of the day (Inquisition) by publishing his thoughts. The Pope was not exactly pleased.

was backed a century later by Galileo, an Italian with enough optical technology to assemble a telescope and use it to view various planets, the moon, and the four major moons of Jupiter.

While Galileo got no free pass from the Pope who viewed the research as incompatible with religious doctrine, this was enough proof to vindicate Copernicus and set human thinking on a cautious new track.

Now, here we are in Century 21. Thanks to Copernicus, Galileo and others unafraid to express unpopular views, we no longer see our planet as the center of all creation. 

We are now hobbled by other delusions--Like the human species inflicting serious damage to our planet's eco system. 

Top delusion is that we are causing the planet to heat up, thus causing catastrophic climate change.

And who's promoting this? Why, it's common knowledge in the media, quoting publicity- hungry science, spreading their message through classrooms and the propaganda arm of the United Nations.

It's being taught in schools. Our children have been led to think that instead of being a part of our planetary ecosystem, we are outside it, and a danger to it.

And while the current Pope has not weighed in significantly on this discussion, the United Nations, that collection of opportunistic politicians from every part of the planet, is sticking to their climate Armageddon theory. They appear bent on taxing human productivity to the maximum to somehow bring an end to a completely natural function: climate change. 

The unstated by-product, naturally, would be to keep their planetary rescue missions (and their jobs) comfortably afloat.

This hoax is supported by a couple of generations of people who have been conditioned through the school systems and media hype that we are causing global warming and climate change and that it may already be too late to do anything about it.

The people we've been electing are of no help. The potential to get to spend even more tax dollars is just too much incentive for elected officials like Justin Trudeau to resist.

Where's a modern day Copernicus when he's needed?

Thursday 11 July 2019

Not so Free Press:

A press scrum hosted by foreign affairs  minister Christia Freeland did not turn out so well.

Apparently Freeland, who was to speak on how much the Liberals supported freedom of the press, engineered a sneaky attempt to exclude two journalists who represented media of known Conservative bias.

It didn't work. The rest of the journalists, noting the exclusion, refused to join if their colleagues were not allowed in.

Good going, guys. This is the only way Freedom of the Press can be preserved.

Monday 1 July 2019

It Had to Happen:

Apparently fed up with the implication that people of normal sexual inclinations had nothing to be proud of, a group of enterprising heterosexuals in Boston is reported to be making moves to secure parade license for people who do not take pride in being gay.

It had to happen. The mystery is in why it took so long.

Now it will be interesting to see how the media is going to handle this. How will they promote Heterosexual Pride as a selling tool for such things as shampoos, hair tonic and high-load diapers..

Sunday 30 June 2019

The Junior Electorate:

It's no accident that Justin Trudeau was elected almost 50 years after his father, Pierre Elliott. Both were elected by the element in Canada's electorate that had not yet reached a fair level of maturity.

Fifty years ago was the time when the great mass of Baby Boomers first became eligible to vote. Five years ago is when the new section of immature voters, who viewed society mostly through the virtual reality of their cell phones, became eligible to elect leaders only they could identify with.

The Baby Boomers came in on a tide of hippiedom, substance abuse, social chaos and youthful energy. They saw nothing wrong in voting for a man who, unlike nearly everyone else in his generation, managed to avoid going to fight for his country during the war.

The generation that elected another Trudeau half a century later neither knew this nor cared. Nor did they care about the cost of such every-day necessities as shelter, food, taxes, utilities, and everything else their parents provided for them, no questions asked. Reality was not a required part of the picture.

They were offered a leader who saw nothing wrong with a return to hippiedom's psychedelics and was part of their picture.

Now, we have one of Trudeau's Liberal elections officials speculating on dropping the voter age down a couple more years, thus dumbing down the electorate still further.

who cannot see problems with the direction where this is heading are definitely part of the problem.

Wednesday 19 June 2019


Our left-leaning media is taking the opportunity to make a big deal of the fact Doug Ford was Booed at the Raptors rally Monday.

Not to worry. Those weren't the people who gave the provincial Tories a resounding victory last election.

Ford was booed by a collection of armchair athletes, the chronically unemployed, and goof-offs whose work ethic was not sufficient to ignore the media hype and tend to their jobs that day.

Friday 14 June 2019

Stamp rip-off:

Surely the web message to the effect that the government might be increasing postage stamp prices is a bad joke.

Might be?? Postage stamp costs have quietly been doubled in the last couple of years. The Liberal administration on Parliament Hill in Ottawa is not shy when it comes to ripping off Canadians who prefer not to use electronic mail.

Of course, this affects the seniors segment of Canadians geared to doing their correspondence as they always have.

The postage stamps business is probably the best example of how good the Ottawa bureaucracy is at managing an operation. Stamps, which used to be a nickel, reduced to two cents during the Christmas card season, are now more than a dollar each.

Apparently, young Trudeau thinks ripping off the seniors is relatively safe. They are too unorganized to complain. There's no Seniors Lib or Seniors Against Everything militia in Canada's steadily growing senior segment. At least not yet, thank God. 

We can only hope the old folks will take the opportunity to show what they think in October..

Saturday 8 June 2019

Media Feeding Frenzy:

While the electronic media is going absolutely berzerk over the antics of seven-foot millionaires with the ability to put a ball through a hoop, I tend to tune in on the flashbacks of the 75th anniversary of The Normandy landing.

There's a good reason. I was 13 years old when the war ended and by then had 5 years of conditioning keeping up with people like generals Montgomery Vs. Rommel (The Desert Fox); General Heinz Guderian Vs. Marshal Zhukov; Churchill Vs. Hitler; Gen. Chiang kai Shek Vs. Gen. Hideki Tojo; and finally, dictators Hitler Vs Stalin.

It should be quite clear why people who grew up in my generation would tend to find sports events of marginal interest.

Like....what do you do for an encore?

Thursday 6 June 2019

Putin Snubbed:

Vladimir Putin was reported to be not exactly overjoyed at not being invited to the West's commemorative WWII bash on the Normandy Beaches this week. He is said to have hinted that this invasion of Hitler's Festung Europa was not that important an event anyhow.

He was right, of course. Hitler's invasion of the Soviets cost the Soviet Union over 25 million lives. By the time of the landing on the Normandy beaches, the Soviets had already beaten the Nazis back at Stalingrad and Prokorovka.

Of course, timing of the Normandy landing took place at a leisurely pace for a very good reason, which Putin must surely have figured out for himself. Churchill and Roosevelt had probably conspired to allow the two countries that had ganged up on Poland back in '39 to tear at each other's throats as long as possible before they stepped in to establish their own presence in Europe.

Still, the Soviets were allied with the West by the time of the Normandy landing and it would have been a plus for diplomacy to have the Russians join in the commemorative events this week.

Or maybe not. 

Tuesday 4 June 2019

The Right Answer:

Mayor John Tory and his abbreviated council in Toronto are not holding their breath waiting to see how Justin Trudeau's carbon tax will bring world climate change to a screeching halt. They are doing something positive about it right now.

Toronto has launched a whole fleet of electric transit buses. 

This is good news. 

This is how the problem of atmospheric pollution is going to be reduced without ham-stringing Canada's industry and knee-capping every working taxpayer in the country.

Good show, guys..

The Pain::

Bringing public health budgets under control in a province following 15 years of pork barrel administration catering to big unions would seem like an impossible task.

This is especially so in a culture that has been conditioned to think that their health is not their personal responsibility, but that of the government. 

That's the problem Ontario health Minister Christine Elliott is faced with. She needs all the help she can get from the mature and responsible element in the electorate.

That very likely describes the people who elected the Ford government.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

More Good Moves:

More bright moves in the works in Alberta.

Jason Kenney thinks a wage minimum reduced from what the previous NDP administration decreed will allow business owners to hire more kids looking for work for the first time.

That's another logical conclusion by the newly-elected administration. The NDP argument that $13.50 is not a living wage is illogical in the sense that it is not supposed to be a living wage. Kenney sees it as an entry-level wage for people living at home and looking for a first job. 

Kenney is quoted as saying that it is better than no wage at all when small business cannot afford to hire at the $15 minimum wage.

Monday 20 May 2019

Good News::

Good News from the Province of Alberta.

While the Liberals on Parliament Hill are   trying their best to tax human-induced climate change out of existence, the tech industry in Alberta is putting zero-emissions vehicles to the test according to reports.

Researchers are currently running transport trucks powered by electricity between Calgary and Edmonton. Normally powered by smoke-belching Diesel engines, the tractors use electricity that does not come from lithium/ion capacitors like all the cars. It is generated on-board from fuel cells that convert hydrogen fuel. The only emission is clear, pure water.

Now, the only problem is how to generate hydrogen with a minimum of emissions.

The same problem exists with all electric vehicles, whether charged by hydro or hydrogen. Power still has to be generated with minimum cost to the environment if we want clean energy. The Alberta experiment makes hydrogen from natural gas. Either way, it is still a lot cleaner than smoke-belching Diesel.

This is a problem that is going to be solved by science and technology, not by single-minded Liberal politicians levying punitive tax loads on industry and working people.

Sunday 12 May 2019

Deep in the Heart of Taxes:

It is important for us to understand that every time the politicians raise our taxes, they get to spend a little more of our money. That's money we earn through our own effort, but do not get to spend.

Voters with a leftward list in their political postures will argue that this is okay, probably because they are either unemployed or planning to become so as soon as their guy is elected.

One has to wonder at the thought processes of leaders like Justin Trudeau and Andrea Horwath whose political philosophy appears to be to tax industry out of existence because they make too much money, apparently leaving too little for the employees (read voters).

The truth is the opposite. Industry provides jobs. It's the politicians that grab an ever-increasing share of the paycheck, sometimes on the flimsiest of excuses, like preventing the climate from changing. 

Since no industry means no jobs, what exactly is the next move? Is it to put all industry in the hands of the politicians? That's been tried before by various socialist and communist governments and found to be highly unproductive. Politicians and their bureaucrats make lousy industrialists.

Justin Trudeau's carbon tax will put the government's hands still deeper into the pockets of working people on the ridiculous notion that they can do something about the earth's climate.

Saturday 4 May 2019

Easy Exposure:

It seems the PCs are pulling the same advertising error that got young Trudeau elected the last time: free exposure.

The ad showing Justin Trudeau linked in a negative image with Donald Trump must surely have been dreamed up by closet Liberals.

Wouldn't the Tories be better off with full facial shots of PC leader Andrew Scheer telling viewers what he intends to do to try to correct the current administration's major goof-ups?

Scheer needs all the visual exposure he's not about to get for free from the left-wing media. They're too busy trying to put a positive spin on Trudeau's on-going blunders.

Friday 3 May 2019

Herd Mentality:

Mob behaviour on the front lawn of Queen's Park has drawn the attention of people who have no time to fall into line behind rabble rousers with bullhorns.

Nobody paid much attention when left-wing leader Andrea Horwath and Union boss Sam Hammond herded school teachers and children together to protest before the legislature. That sort of behaviour gave CBC and CTV cameras something to record as filler material for bad news days.

But when hooded and masked anarchists trotted out a wooden guillotine and began to vandalize the architecture at Queen's Park with spray paint, it was judged to be a bit much, even for left-wing loonies.

Premier Doug Ford has indicated that such tactics will not work. Work to correct years of mindless fiscal abuse by the previous administration will continue being prioritized. 

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Free Speech Denied:

Apparently, Senator Lynne Beyak is being denied her right to speak her mind by an overly-zealous ethics committee on Parliament Hill.

She is being censured for stating what should be obvious to anyone who has been following the evolution of events related to the aboriginal mission schools.

Apparently, Parliament Hill's ethics gurus feel that Sen. Beyak has gone too far in stating what she thinks of how aboriginal children have been handled. They want to re-programme her to see things more in line with modern group-think.. 

It seems Beyak showed concern that the media tended to ignore mission school graduates who took what they learned there and went ahead and made a success of their lives..

It seems the media, as is usually the case, concentrated on all the sensational negatives and ignored the less controversial positives when it came to mission school graduates.

The fact that there are more aboriginal offspring in social care today than there were in the residential schools is what  probably prompts Sen. Beyak's concerns, as well it should. 

It would appear what needs censuring is not Sen. Beyak's thoughts, but the attitudes of members of that parliamentary ethics committee who tend to behave like immature university kids who accept free speech only when they agree with what is being said.

Canadians who grew up with the understanding that free speech was the norm in our democracy would probably see nothing wrong with Sen. Beyak's concerns. 

Similarly, they would view nothing right in the behaviour of ethics committee members Raynell Andreychuk and Serge Joyal. This pair seems badly in need of re-education as to the definition of Free Speech or have their asses booted out the door on Parliament Hill. 

Let's not wait until the fall election.

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Embarassing Leadership:

Indian leader Amarinder Singh is reported to have viewed Trudeau's act of striking out references to Sikh extremism here in Canada as a solid contribution to international terrorism. 

Obviously, over in India they do not approve of that kind of behaviour. Nor should we. 

We will have to wait until the fall election to see how many Canadian voters think that sort of behaviour by our leadership candidates is okay..

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Liberal Fallout:

Coffee counter politicians are speculating on the potential of Liberal caucus dropouts Rayboult and Philpott being snapped up by the Tories or the NDPs now that they are on the loose.

Maybe not. All party decision makers are well aware of candidates in the past who could not be fitted into team politics. A political party is not a political party if it cannot work as a team.

The provincial Tories have Randy Hillier and an earlier dropout. Not too long ago, Parliament Hill had Belinda Stronach briefly. There were others, too easily forgotten to mention, who should never have gone ahead and got elected on a party ticket. 

None of them ever did anything constructive or memorable with their actions before they faded into the footnotes of parliamentary lore.

The truth is, a political party--any political party--is viewed by the electorate as having one leader, a group of ministers and a truckload of back benchers. It could quite safely be said that they vote for the party, not the individuals.

Aspiring politicians should be prepared to think logically, not emotionally.

Thursday 4 April 2019

Aren't we Lucky?

Aren't we lucky that we have guys like Justin Trudeau and Gerald Butts looking after our interests?

Up to and until about 10 years ago, climate science told us that we were in the process of emerging from a glacial period--an earth that looked more like a snowball a few million years ago. It was variously estimated that the area where Toronto now sits was under a sheet of ice about two miles thick. Its weight created the Niagara Escarpment.

Look what the media did with that. 

"Wow!! Global warming!! Rising oceans!! Prepare to evacuate coastal cities!! Melting Arctic. What will the poor Polar bears do??"

Of course, nothing out of the ordinary was happening, and we still endured cold winters. So the brain trust at the UN morphed global warming into Climate change and helped launch a few video documentaries that are about as phoney as a $3 bill for us to view and lose sleep over..

But history is full of global warming and climate change. There is evidence of climate change in the rocks for everyone to see. And it all happened before the era of coal-fired hydro smokestacks and hydrocarbon spewing motor vehicles.

So, did this stop the planet-saving heroes and their cheerleaders from carrying on the scary propaganda? Were David Suzuki and Al Gore even paying attention?

Now we have Justin Trudeau and Gerald Butts launching a sneaky new strategy--taxing Climate Change into submission. If they tax us enough, this will somehow stop millions of years of climate change dead in its tracks.

Should we be grateful? Unfortunately, we must withhold showing our gratitude until the fall election.

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Buying Houses:

Buying houses has never been easy.

Back in the days when a single detached house could be bought for about $50,000, I envied a fellow employee, an older guy, for the fact that he had purchased his 1200-sq ft brick bungalow, detached, a few years earlier, for $25,000.

After thinking about it, I realized that he bought his house when the average weekly salary was less than $100.

That was in the 1950s. Since then, our dollar has been devalued steadily through steady taxation. Every time the politicians increased taxes, everybody had to increase prices on their produce just to stay in business. And everybody needed more dollars to buy the same old goods and services.

That is how money is devalued. Extreme example of that process was the Weimar Republic in Germany following WWI. Unable to keep up with the punitive reparations taxation of the winning allies, the government started printing money.

story was told about a hungry man who went to a store for a loaf of bread pushing a wheelbarrow full of money. When he wasn't looking, a thief grabbed the wheelbarrow, dumped the money and ran.

That probably didn't happen, but it might have.

About 50 years ago, I used to collect pennies in a large crock. Ten years earlier, coffee was 10 cents. Chocolate bars were a nickel. Gasoline was 15 cents a gallon as recently as the '70s.

The millennials whining that they cannot buy a house should know that nobody ever bought a house on their own when they were 19 years old. We all had to work, save, think it through and be prepared to sacrifice lifestyle before making that kind of investment. 

Buying a home today is probably not more difficult than it's ever been when you factor in inflation. And while our politicians probably didn't get the printing presses rolling every time they needed money, they were quick to tax--all three levels of government.

The latest devaluation of our purchasing power is Trudeau's famous carbon tax on all provinces. While we don't have to get a wheelbarrow full of dollars to go to the store just yet, prices have jumped upward on everything we buy as industry tries to stay in business.

And yes, like all the other taxes, that tax has moved your plans to buy a house a few more years into the future.

Saturday 23 March 2019


The US media is beginning to probe their system of education and it is not very inspiring. Apparently, academic success can be bought if you have enough money, political influence, or just the right connections. 

This could show us where all those scientists who support global warming and human-induced climate change for the United Nations propaganda mills come from. 

Saturday 16 March 2019

Incompetence? Whose?

That SNC Lavalin media panic smacks of something other than simply a judicial foul-up. 

There has to be something more behind it that the Liberals think the people who elected them are too stupid, or too stoned,  to understand.

All the media is clamoring for more juicy accusations from Wilson-Raybould. It is possible she has said enough.

Now we should put the PM on the stand and ask him to tell the whole truth. Why was she relieved of her post with the ministry of Justice? Is it possible that she couldn't handle it?

Is it possible that in making his ministry appointments sexually balanced by loading his caucus with women rather than people with actual qualifications, young Trudeau blew it?

If the SNC-Lavalin issue really is about employment, why now? Why not the pipelines and the Oil Sands? Doesn't the area west of Ontario belong to Canada too?

What's the problem? Not enough votes there?

Time for Trudeau to take the stand.

Monday 4 March 2019

World Saviours:

What's the connection between the green energy events that put the cost of hydro out of reach for many Ontarians and the carbon tax that threatens to do the same for all Canadians?

That connection appears to be Gerald Butts. He is said to have teamed with Liberal leader Dalton McGinty when they bombed coal-fired power plants like Lakeview Hydro in Ontario, and with Justin Trudeau when they dumped a carbon tax on all commercial activity in Canada.

Having butted out of the picture over the SNC-Lavalin scandal, Butts abandoned his accomplice back on parliament Hill to fend for himself.

So, where does this green energy warrior come from? Is it possible that he might be a disciple of that late, great green energy guru Maurice Strong? 

For those who do not remember Maurice Strong,
he was a fellow westerner who made his way from the Oil Patch east and into the corridors of power with the Liberals of the Chretien era. He used that as a springboard to infiltrate the United Nations corridors in New York. There, he was in the position to bend sympathetic ears on the business of saving the planet. He used that to launch save-the-planet campaigns

Inexplicably, he migrated to China, the country that probably showed the least interest in green initiatives and save-the-planet campaigns. 

Whether it was the smog from extensive coal-fired hydro or severe ideological clash that ended his career, Strong expired there quietly back in 2015.

Whether Strong had any real influence in creating the green energy zealots currently making life in Canada more oppressive and more expensive for everyone, it is up to the individual reader to connect the dots in any way they see fit.

Note: Anyone who wants to refresh one's memory of the life and times of Maurice Strong might Google the name. 
Warning: Do not trust everything you read there. Some of it reads like the conspiracy theories of the Flat Earth Society, but it should help us understand where guys like Justin Trudeau and Gerald Butts come from.